National Medical Librarian Month Impact Story: Bette Bissonnette
Submitted by: Bette BissonnetteWorking behind the scenes, it’s easy to be overlooked, but health information professionals play a pivotal role in healthcare, research, and education.…
National Medical Librarian Month Impact Story: Molly Knapp
Submitted by: Molly Knapp Working behind the scenes, it’s easy to be overlooked, but health information professionals play a pivotal role in healthcare, research, and…
National Medical Librarian Month Impact Story: Stephen Clancy
Submitted by: Stephen Clancy Working behind the scenes, it’s easy to be overlooked, but health information professionals play a pivotal role in healthcare, research, and…
National Medical Librarians Month Impact Story: Kristin Chapman
Submitted by: Kristin Chapman Working behind the scenes, it’s easy to be overlooked, but health information professionals play a pivotal role in healthcare, research, and…
National Medical Librarians Month Impact Story: Heidi Sue Adams
Submitted by: Heidi Sue Adams Working behind the scenes, it’s easy to be overlooked, but health information professionals play a pivotal role in healthcare, research,…
New Hypothesis Issue Published
Fall is here and Hypothesis has published its second issue of the year. This is our second year publishing two issues and we couldn’t be…
Evolve and Adapt: The 2024 MLA Style Guide
The updated Medical Library Association (MLA) Publication Style Guide is now live after years of work and revisions! The MLA Publication Style Guide is considered…
Unlock Advanced Data Services Skills with Free Webinar Recording
Submitted by: Barry Grant If you missed the excellent webinar by Lisa Federer, PhD, which introduced the DSS Level II and Level II Pathway, view…
Welcome to the 2024 Cunningham Memorial International Fellow
The Medical Library Association (MLA), The International Cooperation Caucus (ICC), and the ICC Cunningham Fellowship Itinerary Subcommittee are so excited to welcome our 2024 Cunningham…
Thank You for Hosting the 2020-2023 Fellows of the Cunningham Memorial International Fellowship at Your Institutions!
The International Cooperation Caucus expresses our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all the libraries who hosted the 2020-2023 Fellows for the Cunningham Memorial International Fellowship prior to their attendance…
Welcome 2020-2023 Cunningham Memorial International Fellows
The Medical Library Association (MLA), The International Cooperation Caucus (ICC), and the ICC Cunningham Fellowship Itinerary Committee are thrilled to welcome our 2020-2023 Cunningham Memorial…
Librarians + Wikipedia = Trusted Health Information
Authors: Margie Sheppard, BSN, MLS, Community Engagement Coordinator, Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 3, A. R. Dykes Library of Health Science. University…
Student Engagement AND Assessment in the Virtual Library Classroom? Google Forms to the Rescue!
By Lily Martin, MLIS, Reference & Instruction Librarian, Levy Library at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Samantha Walsh, MLS, MA, Hunter College…
CAPHIS Consumer Connections Newsletter
The Consumer and Patient Health Information Services (CAPHIS) Caucus publishes the peer-reviewed and CINAHL indexed Consumer Connections Newsletter (ISSN 15357821) twice a year. In it…
A Little Off-Center: Writing Support in a Medical Library
Writing centers are a common feature on college campuses, offering students the opportunity to work with a writing consultant to simultaneously refine a particular project…
A View of EAHIL Conference in Rotterdam Netherlands 2022
We are pleased to share the experience of one of our MLA-ICC caucus members from her attendance at the EAHIL conference in Rotterdam, Netherlands that…
Overview of Citation Software: Pros, Cons, and Best Uses
By Sarah Jackson Citation programs are a common feature of library instruction, helping users to manage difficult and cumbersome projects. Four programs are particularly common…
MLA Condemns Russia’s Unprovoked Aggression and Violence in Ukraine
The Board of Directors, the International Cooperation Caucus, and the Health Equity and Global Health Domain Hub of the Medical Library Association (MLA) stand in…
Peer-to-Peer Instruction
At a time when library budgets are not as healthy as in years past, increased efficiency can be vital to continued library growth and success.…
It’s Never Too Early to Start the Conversation
Yes, we could talk about something more pleasant, but death and dying are an inevitable aspect of our lived human experience. End-of-life decision-making recognizes the…