NLM and MLA: Collaboration to Benefit the Profession and the Public
Mark your calendars now for the March 22, 2023, joint Fireside Chat between MLA and NLM leaders! Join MLA President Shannon Jones, AHIP, FMLA; MLA President-elect…
The Ins and Outs of FMLA: Navigating Extended Leave as Medical Librarians
By Tiffany Follin, MLIA, AHIP, and Michelle Keba Knecht, MSIS, MSL The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a national policy in the United…
CAPHIS Consumer Connections Newsletter
The Consumer and Patient Health Information Services (CAPHIS) Caucus publishes the peer-reviewed and CINAHL indexed Consumer Connections Newsletter (ISSN 15357821) twice a year. In it…
MeSH: 2023 Terms Update
BREAKING NEWS: NEW January 18 NLM Office Hours Special Listening Session: MeSH Following our first NLM Office Hours Special Listening Session in June 2022, this event…
Your Turn: Share How Medical Librarians Make an Impact
For several years, Michelle Kraft, AHIP, FMLA has been sharing her views on medical librarianship through her blog, The Krafty Librarian. In recognition of National…
Participate in Office of Management & Budget Initiative to Update MeSH Terminology OMB’s Statistical Standards for Race and Ethnicity
This past summer the National Library of Medicine (NLM) hosted a listening session with external communities and users to discuss the role of community input in…
Updated Guidance on Public Access to Federally-funded Research Results
Earlier today, August 25, 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released updated policy guidance on public access to Federally-funded research…
NLM Responds to the Call for Public Access to Monkeypox-related Research and Data
Today, NLM announced how it is responding to support the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s (OSTP) global monkeypox initiative to provide access to scientific…
Legislative Update Open Forum Provides MLA Members With Advocacy Answers
More than 88 members attended the July 20th legislative update where they heard updates on funding for the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes…
NLM Responds to Librarians’ Open Letter re: MeSH Term Changes
This blog post chronicles the dialogue between members of the health sciences library community and the National Library of Medicine regarding 2022 MeSH Term Changes.…
Benefits of Diversity in Libraries and Concerns When Diversity Is Lacking
This is the third installment in a four-part series called “Leadership in Libraries: Promoting Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive Environments,” by Briana Christensen, MLIS, librarian at Galen…
Redefining Professionalism: Reflecting on What Professionalism Looks Like in 2022
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, professionalism is: 1 : the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person 2…
It’s Never Too Early to Start the Conversation
Yes, we could talk about something more pleasant, but death and dying are an inevitable aspect of our lived human experience. End-of-life decision-making recognizes the…
Servant-Leadership in Creating an Organizational Culture of Diversity & Inclusion
This is the second installment in a [Link removed (four-part series)] called “Leadership in Libraries: Promoting Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive Environments,” by Briana Christensen, MLIS, librarian…
Imposter Syndrome: The Struggle Is Real
For years, I have lived by the phrase “fake it till you make it,” and it turns out there is a term for this in…
Little Free Library: Building Community During the Pandemic
If you’ve encountered a brightly painted book box, chances are it’s a Little Free Library book exchange. The nonprofit, global book-sharing movement has grown to…
Best Practices for Finding Research Data
In the spring of 2021, librarians from the University of California, San Francisco Library and the University of Nebraska Medical Center McGoogan Health Sciences Library…
AAHSL and NLM Announce 2021/2022 Leadership Fellows and Mentors
The Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) and the National Library of Medicine (NLM) are pleased to announce the members of the 2021/2022 class of the…
MLA Comments on IMLS 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
The Medical Library Association (MLA) has provided feedback to help IMLS envision its future through its 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. MLA supports the IMLS vision to…
Consumer Connections: Special Edition on Graphic Medicine
The special edition issue of the CAPHIS Caucus’s newsletter Consumer Connections is dedicated to graphic medicine and is now available! It can be found [Link…