Technology: Call for Submissions
A great many of you attended MLA ’17 in Seattle last month! I hope you were inspired by many of the great plenaries, paper, and…
Social Media: A Librarian by Any Other Name
Edited by Lara Killian, AHIP Way back in September of 2012, I started writing a blog, “A Librarian by Any Other Name.” I chose this…
Technology: Jeopardy-Style Review in the Classroom
Submitted by Molly Knapp, AHIP, National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) National Training Office, University of Utah–Salt Lake City, and Tony Nguyen, AHIP, NNLM…
Personals: Deborah Sibley
Deborah Sibley has been appointed executive director of the Texas Medical Center (TMC) Library, effective August 28, 2017. Sibley is currently the director of libraries…
Honoring Our Past
The recent death of Eugene Garfield led to many items in the newspapers. His is a name that resounds in libraries because his creations—Science Citation…
Technology: Editor’s Note
This month, the MLA News welcomes a new technology column editor: Tony Nguyen, AHIP. Tony currently holds the position of technology and communications coordinator at…
Honoring Our Past
Alfred N. Brandon, former MLA president and editor of the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association from 1961–1968, wrote an editorial deploring the borrowing of…
Honoring Our Past
Dig into your issues of the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association (BMLA), and you will often find some unexpected treasures. Our predecessors had astonishing…
Consumer Health: Reaching out to the “T”: A Medical Library’s Experience Providing Outreach and Consumer Health Resources to the Transgender Community
Submitted by Francisco J. Fajardo and Jorge E. Perez, Herbert Wertheim Medical Library, Florida International University–Miami; and Hector Perez-Gilbe, AHIP, Ayala Science Library, University of…
Social Media: Harmonizing Many Voices on Social Media
By Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, and Robin Taylor, Disaster Information Management Research Center, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; edited by Lara Killian, AHIP In her January…
Call for MLA News Technology Editor
The MLA News is currently seeking a column editor for the technology column. Individuals are selected based on a desire to serve MLA and the…
Personals: Lisa K. Traditi, AHIP
Lisa K. Traditi, AHIP, was recently promoted to deputy director at the Health Sciences Library, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Traditi had previously served…
Personals: Karen Crowell
Karen Crowell, clinical librarian at the Health Sciences Library (HSL), University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (UNC), retired at the end of January 2017. Crowell came…
Personals: Jane Blumenthal, AHIP
Jane Blumenthal, AHIP, was recently welcomed as a new member of the National Library of Medicine Board of Regents. Blumenthal is the associate university librarian…
Personals: Gale A. Dutcher, AHIP
Gale A. Dutcher, AHIP, retired from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) on September 30, 2016. Most recently, she served as the NLM acting associate…
Honoring Our Past
MLA used to have a Committee on Committees. Its purpose was to review the organization and create new committees as needed and retire those no…
FYI: “ACK!” Have We Been Hacked?
Remember when “being hacked” only meant being angry or offended at someone. Now, “being hacked” means being assaulted or mugged electronically…which oddly enough leads to…
Personals: Emily Vardell
Emily Vardell received the Teaching Excellence Award in the adjunct category at the spring commencement ceremony for the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill on May…
Technology: Free Data Visualization Resources
Edited by Jean M. Gudenas With the strong emphasis on data, research, and statistics in academic environments, librarians are frequently requested to assist patrons or…
Social Media: Making Time to Stay Social
Getting started with—or staying committed to—participating in the social media landscape can be daunting. You may have seen a poster or conference presentation showing how…