• Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLAThe Second International Congress on Medical Librarianship was held on June 16–22, 1963, in conjunction with the 62nd MLA…

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  • NLM Georgia Biomedical Informatics Course – Spring 2016

    I recently attended the 40th iteration of the National Library of Medicine’s Biomedical Informatics course at Brasstown Valley Resort in northern Georgia hosted by Augusta…

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  • Informatics – An argument for rethinking its definition

    This is a guest post from Samuel King, Assistant Professor, MCPHS University: Since the advent of informatics as a discipline, coming into its own during…

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  • ONUP2016 in Toronto, Ontario

    COACH, Canada’s health informatics association, held its annual Ontario-based conference, ONUP, in Toronto on April 4. Despite the unexpected snow fall, the conference was well…

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  • Electronic Medical Record Challenge: Narrative in a bullet point world

        I am a physician practicing primary care.  I have worked with medical informatics professionals and vendors in my hospital system in  Louisville, Kentucky…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Thomas P. Fleming, medical librarian and professor at Columbia University, outlines his thoughts on the nature and individuality…

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  • Personals

    Dean Hendrix was named dean of libraries at the University of Texas–San Antonio (UTSA). As dean of UTSA Libraries, he will provide leadership for the…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Do you love your photocopier? Please enjoy the “Notes of a Librarian on Contemplating Her Xerox Machine” [1].…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA An editorial by Gertrud L. Annan in 1968 was entitled, “A Rose Is a Rose.” She pointed out…

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  • FYI

    Submitted by Donald Welch Is Merging of Library and IT Departments the Way of the Future? “With the impact of new technologies on the production…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Why did the MLA Board of Directors change the name of the association’s journal publication? Discussion about the…

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  • T. Mark Hodges: International Pioneer

    T. (Terrence) Mark Hodges didn’t set out to be a librarian, but like many of us, he fell into the love of organized books. While…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA One of the highlights of the MLA annual meeting is the Janet Doe Lecture. The first one was…

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  • What Did You Do for National Medical Librarians Month?

    “When you need to be right, ask your medical librarian.” That was the theme of this year’s National Medical Librarians Month, a month designed for…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA One of the papers presented at the MLA annual meeting in 1967 caused lots of comment and discussion.…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Have you ever wondered what worried librarians fifty years ago? The issues facing library professionals were described by…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA In 1961, MLA announced the establishment of a central office with Helen Brown Schmidt as executive secretary. In…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Nineteen forty-three was a year of celebration. It was the quatercentenary of the publication of Vesalius’s Fabrica and…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA MEDLARS was a magical word in the 1960s. The idea that a machine could produce a bibliography with…

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  • MLA Historical Marker to Be Installed in Philadelphia

    Submitted by June H. Fulton, FMLA, and Daniel Kipnis, Philadelphia Regional Chapter of MLA During 2015, its 117th anniversary year, MLA will celebrate a novel…

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