• FYI: Laughter

    Laughter is medicine, right? A source for vibrancy, pep, and well-being, agreed? Sources across the gamut of communication tend to think so… and say so.…

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  • FYI: Stress

    Do you go home unable to forget or leave at work: the confrontations, contagions, constraints the consternations, contentions, condemnations the conundrums, consternations, convictions any or…

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  • Best Practices: Retractions: An Annual Update on Ethical Misconduct in Research and Publishing

    Submitted by Kelly Evans, Library, and Frank Houghton, Department of Public Health and Health Administration, Eastern Washington University–Spokane “To make a deliberate falsification for personal…

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  • Personals

    Dean Hendrix was named dean of libraries at the University of Texas–San Antonio (UTSA). As dean of UTSA Libraries, he will provide leadership for the…

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  • Member Spotlight: Mary Nelson Peters, AHIP

    Fast Facts: MLA Member Since: 1976First Professional Position: Serials librarian, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine–Fort Worth (now University of North Texas Health Science Center)Current Position:…

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