Product Spotlight: Access APA PsycTherapy Through EBSCO (Sponsored)
Leverage unscripted streaming demonstration videos for teaching and learning psychotherapy techniques. Published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and available on EBSCOhost® and EBSCO Discovery…
Product Spotlight: Help Shape the Future of Elsevier’s Digital Clinical Solutions (Sponsored)
We invite you to join the Elsevier Clinical Solutions User Feedback Program. Designed to bring our customers closer to the product development process, this program…
Product Spotlight: When It Comes to E-Books, the R2 Digital Library Stands Alone (Sponsored)
The R2 Digital Library is a health sciences electronic book database that features a comprehensive collection of medical, nursing, and allied health titles presented in…
Education: Statistics to the Rescue!
Like many MLA members, my colleagues and I use PubMed heavily in our teaching. Its breadth makes it relevant to almost every health discipline, and…
Expert Searching: Health Research Reporting Guidelines: Part 1 Introduction to Health Research Reporting Guidelines
Submitted by Helena VonVille, Health Sciences Library System, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; edited by Christy Tyson During a recent webinar on health research reporting…
Medical Library Education: Celebrating Health Sciences Libraries!
Medical library education—and all forms of librarianship really—revolve around, as well as depend upon, the universal goodwill of core stakeholders to help foster positive patron…
Expert Searching: PRESSForum for Peer Review of Search Strategies
Submitted by Rachel Couban, Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Pain Research and Care (IPRC), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; edited by Christy Tyson Recently, a…
MLA October Webinar: Find the Light in a Grey Literature Search!
Being asked to do a grey literature search does not have to darken your mood. If you know how to identify the most valuable types…
Expert Searching: Converting an Ovid MEDLINE Search to PubMed in 10 Easy Steps
Submitted by Helena VonVille, Health Sciences Library System, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; edited by Christy Tyson I recently signed up for the “Expert Searching”…
Expert Searching: What Do Swiflet Bird Nests and Prolonged Bleeding Have in Common?
A searching experience submitted by Elizabeth Stellrecht, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; edited by Christy Tyson The Background Recently, a patient at…
Medical Library Education: Design Thinking
Librarians who are engaged in medical library education are often called upon to provide instruction on a host of topics in various surroundings before diverse…
Expert Searching: Living Evidence and Living Systematic Reviews: What You Need to Know
Submitted by Robin Featherstone, Cochrane Editorial and Methods Department, and Steve McDonald, Cochrane Australia; edited by Christy Tyson Introduction You may have been asked recently…
Expert Searching: Reaching for That Brass Ring
As a mid-career librarian, I recently made the move from general education to higher education, leveraging my first degree and career in clinical and instructional…
Expert Searching: My Experience at NLM Working on the Genetics Home Reference
In March 2017, I had the honor of working at the National Library of Medicine (NLM). I was given a tour of the clinical hospital…
Expert Searching: Health Care Professionals Work to a Set of Standards: Shouldn’t We?
Submitted by Brooke Ballantyne Scott, Jackie MacDonald, Susan Baer, Ashley Farrell, AHIP, Marcus Vaska, Pat Lee, and Danielle Rabb, Canadian Search Standards Working Group Health…
Expert Searching: Why Don’t Simple Searches [Always] Work?
Edited by Melanie Norton Many researchers and doctors search a database as if it were a medical Google. Using a simple search that relies on…
Expert Searching: How “Healthy” Is Your Search For Health Promotion Evidence?
Edited by Melanie Norton Healthy People 2020 If you are searching for health promotion evidence, Healthy People 2020, a national health promotion program to improve…
Expert Searching: Fear and Loathing in Grey Literature Searching: A (Not So) Savage Journey to the Heart of a Health Librarian’s Dream*
* With apologies to Hunter S. Thompson Edited by Melanie Norton We were somewhere in the middle of a ClinicalTrials.gov search when the tea began…
Eight Lessons Learned While Developing a Health Information Class for Family Caregivers
Approximately 43.5 million adults in the United States provided unpaid care to an adult or child in 2015 [1]. How can librarians reach this enormous…
Expert Searching: Can Learning PubMed Be…Fun?
Submitted by Robin O’Hanlon and Rebecca Snyder, Levy Library, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY; edited by Melanie Norton Are you…