Caucus News: Enhancing Patient Experience through Patient-Centered Library Services
Editor’s Note: Republished and edited with permission from the September 2019 Consumer Connections, volume 35, issue 3, pages 3–4.The Bedford Veterans Administration (VA) provides multiple…
Period Power!
Leiter Lecturer Nadya Okamoto will discuss health information in underserved communities, health disparities, gender identity, and how she founded PERIOD. the Menstrual Movement. Nadya Okamoto…
Announcing Nadya Okamoto as Featured Speaker at MLA ’19 | Elevate!
MLA is pleased to announce that Nadya Okamoto will be the featured 2019 Joseph Leiter National Library of Medicine (NLM)/MLA Lecturer during MLA ’19 in…
Consumer Health: Institute for Healthcare Advancement Annual Health Literacy Conference
Submitted by Ophelia Morey, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; edited by Christine Willis, AHIP May 2018 marked the 17th year that the…
Eight Lessons Learned While Developing a Health Information Class for Family Caregivers
Approximately 43.5 million adults in the United States provided unpaid care to an adult or child in 2015 [1]. How can librarians reach this enormous…