MLA InSight Initiative Fall Forum Future Possibilities and Opportunities
For recordings and more detailed program information, go to InSight Initiative Fall Forum 2020 Detailed Program.On October 29–30, 2020, MLA hosted a free online fall…
Innovation & Research Practice: Predatory Journals: Be on the Lookout! What I Learned at a Continuing Education Session
Submitted by Mary C. Rickelman, AHIP, R. A. Williams Library, AdventHealth University, Orlando, FL; edited by Lisa Huang, Hub Editor: Innovation & Research Practice, MLAConnect…
Product Spotlight: Help Shape the Future of Elsevier’s Digital Clinical Solutions (Sponsored)
We invite you to join the Elsevier Clinical Solutions User Feedback Program. Designed to bring our customers closer to the product development process, this program…
Consumer Health: Improving Wikipedia through #CiteNLM Edit-a-Thons
Submitted by Elizabeth Waltman, Network of the National Library of Medicine, Southeastern/Atlantic Region, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland–Baltimore; edited by Heidi…
Product Spotlight: When It Comes to E-Books, the R2 Digital Library Stands Alone (Sponsored)
The R2 Digital Library is a health sciences electronic book database that features a comprehensive collection of medical, nursing, and allied health titles presented in…
Global Health & Health Equity: European Medical Libraries during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Submitted by Maurella Della Seta, President, European Association of Health Information and Libraries; edited by Lilian Hoffecker, Hub Editor: Global Health & Health Equity, MLAConnect…
Innovation & Research Practice: Insomnia Coach App Review
The Insomnia Coach app is available for veterans, service members, anyone who has insomnia, or anyone who would like to improve their sleep. The app…
Global Health & Health Equity: Resource Limited but Knowledge Rich: Hinari and Systematic Review Training in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe in Africa.Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons. Submitted by Lilian Hoffecker, Global Health and Health Equity Column Editor, MLAConnect, with contributions from Karin Saric, Sarah Young,…
InSight Initiative Videos
Submitted by Gerald J. Perry, AHIP, FMLA, Past Chair, InSight Initiative Task Force, and John Gallagher, Chair, InSight Initiative Task Force MLA’s InSight Initiative is…
Education: An Update on AMA 11th Edition Citation Format: A Guide for Pharmacy Students
Submitted by Kathy Grams and Irena G. Dryankova-Bond, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Science–Worcester In 1925, the editors of the Journal of the American…
Global Health & Health Equity: Assisting Clinicians in Addressing Human Trafficking
Written by Amy Sharpe, Sharp HealthCare, and Founder and Cochair, Health Subcommittee, San Diego Human Trafficking & Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Advisory Council,…
Consumer Health: Emotional Health in the Library: Part II: Emotional Labor
Miriam Matteson, associate professor at Kent State University,presented on emotional labor at theOhio Health Sciences Library Association Fall 2019 Meeting. In “Emotional Health in the…
2019 Novel Coronavirus Information
International Cooperation Caucus officers have gathered a few key links to information about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus infection. CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus WHO Novel Coronavirus…
Introducing the Global Health & Health Equity Column!
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay. Welcome to the inaugural Global Health & Health Equity column! This column will cover hub activities and be a platform…
Transition: Retiring the Social Media Column
The MLAConnect Editorial Board made the decision to retire the Social Media column at our last meeting. While I do not have the exact date…
Ending on a High Note: Top 10 Technology Articles
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Earlier last month, it was announced that a few of the MLAConnect columns will be retired to better align…
Technology: Teaching with JupyterHub
Submitted by Shirley Zhao and Jessi Van Der Volgen, AHIP, Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah–Salt Lake City; edited by Tony Nguyen, AHIP Jupyter…
Caucus News: Book Review
Editor’s Note: Republished and edited with permission from the September 2019 Consumer Connections, volume 35, issue 3, page 6. Elaine Birchall and Suzanne Cronkwright. Conquer…
Have a Discussion about Plan S
Members of the International Cooperation Caucus may have heard of Plan S, but have your faculty and students? It’s a major change in scholarly communication,…
Technology: LibKey and LibKey Nomad
Submitted by Andrew Hickner on behalf of the MLA UX Caucus; edited by Tony Nguyen, AHIP Note: The purpose of the new MLA UX Caucus…