• Revisions to MLA Bylaws and Special Rules of Order Proposed

    Submitted by Ellen Brassil, AHIP, Chair, Bylaws Committee Go to www.mlanet.org/page/2016-bylaws to find out more.MLA strategic goal 1, “What MLA does,” calls for organizational changes that will…

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  • Social Media: Periscoping a “Slice of Life,” Inside and Outside of the Library

    Submitted by Mark Vrabel, AHIP, Library Oncology Nursing Society, Pittsburgh, PA; edited by Lara Killian, AHIP MLA members are by now likely familiar with Periscope,…

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  • Winners: 10 Days of EMTS Website Resolutions

    Many thanks to everyone that participated in our 10 Days of EMTS Website Resolutions! The winners of the $25 Amazon gift cards are: Deb Werner,…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA An editorial by Gertrud L. Annan in 1968 was entitled, “A Rose Is a Rose.” She pointed out…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP   Save the Date: Monday, May 16, 2016; 1:00 p.m.–2:25 p.m. Program: Our Role and Impact on Increasing Patient…

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  • Chapter News

    Edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP Pacific Northwest Chapter of MLA Submitted by Emily J. Glenn, AHIP, Publicity Chair, Annual Meeting Planning Committee, Pacific Northwest…

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  • Member Spotlight: Erica Lake

    Fast Facts: MLA Member Since: 2000First Professional Position: I administered the library and archives for the Dance Notation Bureau, a nonprofit organization in New York…

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  • 2016/17 MLA Election Results

    The candidates listed below will assume office at the conclusion of MLA ’16 in Toronto, ON, Canada. MLA 2016/17 election results were certified by Vote…

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  • Technology: Browsing the Stacks in a Discovery Tool

    Submitted by Harold S. Bright IV, A.T. Still Memorial Library, A.T. Still University of the Health Sciences, Mesa, AZ; edited by Jean M. Gudenas How…

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  • Come to Toronto. Come Hungry.

    One of the nice things about Toronto is the food. There are a variety of food related events – my personal favourite is Winterlicious, on now! –…

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  • Revitalizing Institutional Memberships

    In 1898, one of the compelling reasons for MLA’s birth was “the exchange of duplicate publications” among the association’s institutional members. Access to the MLA…

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  • 5 Reasons You Won’t Want to Miss Mosaic ’16!

    There are just 17 weeks until “Mosaic ’16: Be Part of the Big Picture.” Will you be there? Here are five reasons why you should…

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  • We Need an International Strategy

    Last March, when MLA leadership canceled MLA’s longstanding institutional membership with the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), several members were disappointed. Leadership’s rationale was…

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  • Technology: Managing E-Resources

    Submitted by Erin Wentz, Henrietta DeBenedictis Library, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) University–Boston; edited by Jean M. Gudenas Electronic resource management systems…

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  • Member Spotlight: LeAnn Boyce

    Editor’s note: This month’s column features a unique category of MLA member: a student member! We hope you enjoy this, and we plan to feature…

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  • Social Media: Managing Multiple Twitter Accounts

    Submitted by Caitlyn Ford, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, Ottawa, ON, Canada; edited by Lara Killian, AHIP Top tips when working with…

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  • Chapter News

    Edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP 2015 Midcontinental Chapter Virtual Meeting Submitted by Angela Spencer, Advocacy Chair, Midcontinental Chapter A virtual meeting—some said it couldn’t…

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  • MLA Board Highlights: November 2015

    Submitted by Kevin Baliozian, MLA Executive Director The MLA Board of Directors met November 16 and 17, 2015, in Chicago, IL. All meetings of the…

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  • FYI

    Submitted by Donald Welch Did You See That?! Samuel F. Morrison may be retired as the director of the Broward County Library, Fort Lauderdale, FL,…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Why did the MLA Board of Directors change the name of the association’s journal publication? Discussion about the…

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