As Overheard in Toronto…
Submitted by Gurpreet K. Rana, 2016 Joint Planning Committee; edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIPWe hope you are getting excited about Mosaic ’16, the joint…
Logistics: Getting around Toronto
The conference hotel is located within an easy walk of the Metro Convention Centre and various shops, attractions, and restaurants downtown. If you plan on…
Logistics: Getting to the Conference Hotel
You’ve booked your flight and the hotel, but when you arrive in Toronto your best way to get to the conference hotel will depend on…
Section & SIG News
Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Consumer and Patient Health Information Section Submitted by Catherine R. Hogan Smith, AHIP, Immediate Past Chair, Consumer and Patient…
MLA : Blogs : Building Mosaic ’16 with 549 Abstracts
The Joint Planning Committee was thrilled to receive 549 submissions for papers, posters, lightning talks, and special content sessions for Mosiac 2016. That’s the highest…
What Can MLA Sections Do for You?
MLA’s 20+ sections, built around themes of long-term concern to MLA members, are core to our mission and work. Cumulatively, these sections have almost 3,400…
Welcome to Mosaic/Mosaïque, MLA, CHLA/ABSC, ICLC, 2016 in Toronto!
If you haven’t already seen the welcome to Mosaic/Mosaïque 2016 video, created by Toronto health librarians welcoming you to Toronto in May 2016, you need…
“Crap Detecting” with 2016 McGovern Speaker Ben Goldacre
Source: “Crap Detecting” with 2016 McGovern Speaker Ben Goldacre Vanessa Kitchin of the Local Assistance Committee for the 2016 Joint MLA/CHLA/ABSC/ICLC Planning Committee, provides an…
The New Shape of Annual Meeting Programs
“Mosaic: Be Part of the Big Picture,” brings together three diverse organizations: the Medical Library Association (MLA), the Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothéques de…
Have you met Mosie Mosaic Mascot?
Mosie is a racoon who was born and raised in Toronto and is the official mascot of “Mosaic: Be Part of the Big Picture”. (Note…
Section & SIG News
Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Announcement from the Association of Vision Sciences Librarians Submitted by Leslie Holland, Cochair, Association of Vision Science Librarians The…
Section & SIG News
Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP New Reis International Cooperation Section IFLA Annual Meeting Grant Submitted by Megan von Isenburg, AHIP, Chair, International Cooperation Section…
Librarians without Limits: Keynote Presentations for MLA ’15 in Austin
Submitted by Sandra I. Martin, AHIP, and Jonquil Feldman, AHIP, Cochairs, 2015 National Program Committee The 2015 National Program Committee has selected a distinguished array…
Oh, the Places You’ll Go…in Austin! Local Attractions and Things to Do While “Keeping It Weird”
Submitted by Michele Whitehead, Publicity Chair, and Catherine Pepper, Chair, MLA ’15 Local Assistance Committee One thing is certain: In Austin, you will not run…
Section News
Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Veterinary Specialty Board Examinations Reading Lists Submitted by Jessica R. Page, AHIP, Past Chair, Veterinary Medical Libraries Section, and…
Section & SIG News
Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Relevant Issues Section Organizes MLA ’15 Book Drive Submitted by Kate Flewelling, Chair, Relevant Issues Section Photo credit: Kate…
Section & SIG News
Molecular Biology and Genomics SIG Announcement Submitted by Margaret Henderson, AHIP, Convener, Molecular Biology and Genomics SIG In May 2015, the Molecular Biology and Genomics…
Section & SIG News
Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Consumer and Patient Health Information Section Award Recipients Submitted by Kay Hogan Smith, AHIP, Chair, Consumer and Patient Health…
The Section/SIG Dance-athon
A huge thank you to everyone who attended the section/SIG open forum at MLA ’15. We know there were two other open forums running simultaneously,…
EMTS Membership Report 2015
Posted by Amy Blevins As of Dec. 31, 2014 EMTS had 194 members. Renewal numbers for this year so far are at 148 but many…