Research Training Institute (RTI) 2025: Why Should I Apply?
Applications are Now Open for the 2025-26 Research Training Institute (RTI). Since 2018, the RTI’s unique and highly successful program has trained, mentored, and supported…
Call for Award Nominations
The association has a proud tradition of recognizing members who have significantly contributed to the field of health sciences librarianship and advanced the goals of…
Liberty Chapter Quasquicentennial Unconference
By Daniel Verbit and Michelle Bass Last year on May 2, 2023, Liberty Chapter Board members Michelle Bass and Daniel Verbit organized a special quasquicentennial…
MLA ’24 Travel Grants
MLA is pleased to announce the recipients of 2024 Annual Conference Travel Grants. Ysabel Bertolucci MLA Annual Conference Grant Ysabel Bertolucci MLA Annual Conference Grant provides…
South Central and Southern Chapters 2023 Joint Chapter Meeting
By Dede Rios, SCC Program Conference Co-Chair, and Christine Willis, Southern Chapter Program Conference Co-Chair 2023 was a monumental year for the South Central Chapter…
Invitation to Attend the Joint Chapter Meeting: SCC and SC
Please join us in attending the Joint South Central and Southern Chapters of the Medical Library Association 2023 meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. The meeting theme…
NAHSL 2022: Turning the Tide
After two consecutive years of virtual meetings, North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries (NAHSL) was thrilled to welcome our members back to an in-person conference in…
UNYOC 2022 Annual Meeting Recap
By Darcey Rodriguez, 2022 UNYOC Conference Planning Chair Since 2019, the Upstate New York and Ontario Chapter (UNYOC) planning committee learned the necessity of being…
Reflections on the 2022 SC/MLA Annual Meeting
The 72nd Annual Meeting of the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association (SC/MLA) was held in Montgomery, AL from October 19-22, 2022. The 2020…
PNCMLA 2022 Virtual Conference Recap
As with many conferences, the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association (PNCMLA) decided to continue with the virtual format for its 2022 conference.…
The 2021 MLGSCA Virtual Spring Symposium: Uplifting Community Voices
The 2021 MLGSCA Virtual Spring Symposium: Uplifting Community Voices was a free, one-day educational event sponsored by NNLM PSR and the Medical Library Group of Southern…
2021 NAHSL Virtual Meeting: Starting from Scratch, Taking Charge of Change
North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries (NAHSL) leadership made the decision to stay virtual in 2021, based on a successful virtual 2020 meeting and the continued…
SC/MLA 71st Annual Meeting Recap
The Southern Chapter of MLA (SC/MLA) held its seventy-first annual meeting October 4–7, 2021. For a variety of reasons, we held our annual meeting in…
EFTS Unbilled Transactions Announcement
This is an update regarding the processing of unbilled transactions for EFTS lending libraries. Unbilled transactions are transactions imported from DOCLINE that a lending library…
EFTS Custom Pricing Groups Now Launched
This is an announcement regarding the launch of EFTS Custom Pricing Groups for lending libraries. A primary objective of the EFTS Powered by MLA platform…
Chapter News: Southern Chapter of MLA Virtual Annual Meeting
The Southern Chapter of MLA (SCMLA) held its 70th annual meeting in virtual format from November 16–20, 2020. Our meeting was originally scheduled to be…
Chapter News: South Central Chapter’s 2020 Digital Conference
Digital versions of South Central Chapter members. As the looming threat of the pandemic remained constant into the summer of 2020, the South Central Chapter…
Chapter News: 2020 Joint Virtual Meeting of the Midcontinental and Midwest Chapters
Submitted by Sarah Jane Brown, Cochair, Annual Meetings, Midwest Chapter; Elizabeth Frakes, AHIP, Cochair, Conference, Midcontinental Chapter; Susan E. Swogger, Cochair, Conference, Midcontinental Chapter; and…
Chapter News: 2020 NAHSL in Action
Submitted by Eugenia Opuda and Rachel Charlotte Lerner, AHIP, “NAHSL in Action” Virtual Planning Committee, North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries (NAHSL) Librarians’ collective response to…
EFTS Successes and Growing Pains
One short year ago, MLA agreed to develop a new Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS) platform to ensure continuity of service for the many libraries…