The Case of the Missing Caucus Emails
By MLA HeadquartersThe best “Aha!” moments are when they solve a mystery…Over the past few weeks, you (and we) have struggled to understand exactly why…
Welcome to the 2024 Cunningham Memorial International Fellow
The Medical Library Association (MLA), The International Cooperation Caucus (ICC), and the ICC Cunningham Fellowship Itinerary Subcommittee are so excited to welcome our 2024 Cunningham…
Thank You for Hosting the 2020-2023 Fellows of the Cunningham Memorial International Fellowship at Your Institutions!
The International Cooperation Caucus expresses our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all the libraries who hosted the 2020-2023 Fellows for the Cunningham Memorial International Fellowship prior to their attendance…
MLA Domain Hubs to Sunset in 2024
As MLA continues to strive to be the association to meet all members’ professional needs, certain changes in structure have proved not to be all…
Welcome 2020-2023 Cunningham Memorial International Fellows
The Medical Library Association (MLA), The International Cooperation Caucus (ICC), and the ICC Cunningham Fellowship Itinerary Committee are thrilled to welcome our 2020-2023 Cunningham Memorial…
MLA as Your Professional Home
When I first joined the Medical Library Association in 2019, I was not prepared for all the association had to offer and all of the…
Collection Development Best Practices Document Updated
Coauthored by Karen Gau, MLIS and Iris Kovar-Gough, MA MLIS The Medical Library Association (MLA) Collection Development Caucus is excited to announce the publication of…
CAPHIS Consumer Connections Newsletter
The Consumer and Patient Health Information Services (CAPHIS) Caucus publishes the peer-reviewed and CINAHL indexed Consumer Connections Newsletter (ISSN 15357821) twice a year. In it…
Announcing the new Hospital Library Caucus Advocacy LibGuide
Additional authors: Kathy Zeblisky and Nancy Clark The new Hospital Library Caucus (HLC) Advocacy pages are now available for viewing and use. They reside on…
A View of EAHIL Conference in Rotterdam Netherlands 2022
We are pleased to share the experience of one of our MLA-ICC caucus members from her attendance at the EAHIL conference in Rotterdam, Netherlands that…
Re-introducing Hypothesis as the research journal for health information professionals
For 40 years the MLA Research Caucus has been encouraging and promoting health sciences librarianship research. In 2003, Hypothesis changed its name to become the…
TEC and Gaming Caucus Merger Approved
Hello TEC members: By unanimous approval from members of both caucuses, the Technology in Education (TEC) and Gaming in Adult Learning Caucus (“Gaming”) are…
Coming Together with Common Interests: The Formation of the Animal and Veterinary Information Specialists (AVIS) Caucus
By Melissa Funaro, Karen Barton, AHIP, and Suzanne Fricke, AHIP The Veterinary Medical Libraries Section (VMLS)—first established as the Veterinary Medical Libraries Group—held its first…
EFTS Unbilled Transactions Announcement
This is an update regarding the processing of unbilled transactions for EFTS lending libraries. Unbilled transactions are transactions imported from DOCLINE that a lending library…
EFTS Custom Pricing Groups Now Launched
This is an announcement regarding the launch of EFTS Custom Pricing Groups for lending libraries. A primary objective of the EFTS Powered by MLA platform…
Caucus News: From Quarterlyish Newsletter to Biweekly Blog: A Caucus’s Journey
The value of professional organizations is indisputable for connecting with other professionals, for networking, and for camaraderie. This is especially true for the Hospital Library…
EFTS Successes and Growing Pains
One short year ago, MLA agreed to develop a new Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS) platform to ensure continuity of service for the many libraries…
Caucus News: 2020 Research Caucus Research Awards
Congratulations to the winning research papers and posters from MLA ’20 and the biannual Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) Best Research Paper! The…
Caucus News: Hospital Library Caucus Awards Its Members
It is a long-standing tradition for the Hospital Library Caucus (HLC) to recognize members with its own caucus awards. The Awards Ceremony honoring members added…
Significant Changes to EFTS and DOCLINE after June 30, 2020
The University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC) is transferring the operations of the Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS) to MLA in a timeline agreed to…