EMTS Membership Report 2015
Posted by Amy BlevinsAs of Dec. 31, 2014 EMTS had 194 members. Renewal numbers for this year so far are at 148 but many don’t…
EMTS Treasurer’s and CE Committee Reports 2015
Posted by Amy Blevins Treasurer’s Report Current balance in the treasury is $14037.76 MLA 2014 balance was $13716.38 Review upcoming/expected expenditures for the meeting 2…
Little Changes with Big Impact
By the way, we migrated MLA headquarters email to Google Apps in April, as part of MLA’s Goal 4, “rationalize and transform MLA information and communication systems.”…
Won’t You Join the (Section) Dance?
Kicking off a new vision for sections and SIGs Change—there are so many quotes about it. One that I recently came across may be…
Update on MLA’s Technology: What to Expect
Imagine if your friends’ Facebook pages were structured so differently that you had to figure out how to navigate each of them separately. And you…
Weigh In: The Most Valuable Things MLA Does
As MLA digs into goal #1, “Rationalize MLA programs and services, and streamline and clarify organizational structure,” we want to hear what you think. In your opinion,…
Three Ways to Help Build MLA’s Educational Future
In January, the MLA Board established a task force to revise the “Competencies for Lifelong Learning and Professional Success” policy to keep up with the…
MLA’s Technology: Extreme Makeover
MLA Executive Director Kevin Baliozian signs a contract with Socious. In her last post, Kate Corcoran talked about the “Rube Goldbergesque infrastructure” of MLA information…
Less Complexity, More Value
Look familiar? This map of MLA’s Rube Goldbergesque information system infrastructure shows how our systems have been creatively jury-rigged over time, and expanded and patched…
You Can’t Be Everything to Everyone
You know those long, wide-ranging conversations where you start out talking about, say, your weekend and end up talking about North Korea or Kim Kardashian’s…
Action Is the Secret Sauce
Most strategic plans collapse in the execution phase. Effective plans have a clear process for action, which includes the following steps: Identify the critical few…
MLA’s Culture Revolution
Did I mention the heaps of diagrams and scribbled notes at the board’s February strategic planning retreat? Here’s the first one we looked at, posted…
Words I Can Do Without
Yoda said it best: “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” At the time, the evil empire had just struck back, and the future…
The Time for Change Is Now
Associations can be slow to change. In some ways, it’s the nature of the beast: when you have many stakeholders with diverse needs and interests,…
Current EMTS Officers
Hello everyone, Below is a list of the current EMTS officers. Feel free to contact any of us if you have questions, comments, or concerns.…
2014 EMTS Annual Meeting Attendance Grant Winners
Posted on April 8, 2014 by Amy Blevins After careful review of applications to the EMTS MLA Attendance Grant, the grant subcommittee (Amy Blevins, Dale…
Distance Support Survey
Posted on March 7, 2014 by Amy Blevins Margaret Hoogland and Carolyn Schubert have developed a survey that they would like you to take. http://redcap.atsu.edu/apps/redcap/surveys/?s=KWnABHgkJA…
A Letter from the Chair
Hello everyone, I’d like to introduce myself since I didn’t get to meet all y’all at MLA. As the Public Health Coordinator for the NN/LM…
Enhancement or Crutch? Alternative PubMed Interfaces
Posted on June 11, 2013 by Amy Blevins Our latest guest blog post comes from Keith Engwall (@librariandad), and he is the Web and Emerging…
Experiences with Online Education, StudiUM, and Flipped Classrooms
Posted on June 4, 2013 by Amy Blevins Natalie Clairoux is a librarian at the Bibliothèque de la santé at the Université de Montréal. Her…