RTI News: Congratulations to the 2020 RTI Fellows!
MLA is pleased to announce the 2020 Research Training Institute (RTI) fellows! This year due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 RTI will be…
MLA Virtual 2020 Business Meeting and Presidential Addresses
MLA held its first virtual annual business meeting on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, with Julia Esparza, AHIP, presiding and 499 members attending. The historic session…
Introducing the MLA ’20 vConference
Late on May 7, Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown announced the decision to limit gatherings to twenty-five people or fewer through September 2020. Unfortunately, this means…
May 12 COVID-19 Conversation: Critical Appraisal of COVID-19 Research
Methods and best practices for critical appraisal are well established, but the rapid pace of publication during the COVID-19 pandemic is throwing the rule book…
Caucus News: We Did It, You Can Too! Webinar Best Practices and Lessons Learned by the AAMLA Virtual Engagement Committee
Submitted by Aidy Weeks, AHIP, UNLV Health Sciences Library, University of Nevada–Las Vegas; Heather Rodriguez-James, Del E. Webb Library, Loma Linda University Health, Loma Linda,…
RTI News: RTI Fellow Awarded Research Grant to Study Information Behaviors of Nursing Students
Ying Zhong, Walter W. Stiern Library, California State University–Bakersfield (CSUB), was recently awarded a research grant in the amount of $4,970 by the CSUB Research…
What’s Going on with MLA ’20?
You all know by now that MLA ’20 has now been rescheduled for August 15–19. Although the 2020 National Program Committee (NPC), the MLA Board,…
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Library in COVID-19 Times: Part 1: Transitioning Facilities
Levy Library’s main hall before and after changes for storage The Levy Library at the Icahn School of Medicine centralizes all library services for the…
Chapter News: Moving Your Chapter Meeting Online: Lessons Learned from MCMLA
Submitted by Heather L. Brown, McGoogan Library of Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center–Omaha, and Gwen S. Wilson, AHIP, Department of Family & Community Medicine,…
Join the COVID-19 Conversation: Supporting Oral Health in the Time of COVID-19
Dental Caucus leaders Amanda Nevius, Hirsh Health Sciences Library, Tufts University, Boston, MA; Nicole Theis-Mahon, AHIP, Health Sciences Libraries University of Minnesota–Minneapolis; and Nena Schvaneveldt,…
Join the COVID-19 Conversation: Moving Instruction Online in a Hurry!
MLA members Ruby Nugent, Health Sciences Library, University of Nevada–Las Vegas, and Brandi Tuttle, AHIP, Medical Center Library & Archives, Duke University, Durham, NC, share…
Join the COVID-19 Conversation: I Feel Fine: A Musical Happy Half-Hour
Date: Thursday, April 23 Time: 2:00 p.m., pacific time; 3:00 p.m., mountain time; 4:00 p.m., central time; 5:00 p.m., eastern time. Note the Thursday date…
Join the COVID-19 Conversation: Managing Remote Workers and Work
Date: Tuesday, April 21 Time: 10:00 a.m., pacific time; 11:00 a.m., mountain time; noon, central time; 1:00 p.m., eastern time Audience: Medical librarians Michelle Kraft,…
Libraries Closed! Painful Decisions in Response to Covid-19
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Answering the Call: Academic Health Sciences Libraries and COVID-19
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MLA and AAHSL comment on public access
Today, the Medical Library Association (MLA) and Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) commented on the Office of Science and Technology Policy’s (OSTP) Request for Information:…
Join the COVID-19 Conversation: Professional Partnerships in the Time of COVID-19: Masks and More
Day: Tuesday, April 7 Time: 10:00 a.m., pacific time; 11:00 a.m., mountain time; noon, central time; 1:00 p.m., eastern time MLA members Lori E. Harris…
Domain Hub Liaisons
Below is an up-to-date list of liaisons appointed to MLA domain hubs. Liaisons serve supportive and informational roles in domain hubs and are not voting…
How Does a Library Respond to a Global Health Crisis?
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How Medical Librarians Are Handling the Coronavirus Crisis
This content is only available to members.