Les affiches. Beaucoup, beaucoup d’affiches.
243 affiches étaient présentées en trois périodes d’une heure. J’en ai surement manqué pas mal mais, de celles que j’ai eu le temps de voir,…
NLM Update – Amidst Big Changes, Some Things Remain the Same
Note: the National Library of Medicine (NLM) update presentation was recorded on video; see the website for access to video, which should be available to you…
Remises de prix et célébrations du 40e anniversaire de l’ABSC
Plus de 650 personnes ont participé hier soir au Dîner de la présidente au Fairmont Royal York de Toronto. Votre vadrouilleuse est arrivée avec une…
Business Meeting, Presidential Inaugural, & MLA ’17 Invitation
The AGM kick-off with a nice introduction and recognition of board of directors and other MLA representatives. With 377 attendees, we far exceeded quorum for…
John P. McGovern Award Lecture – Ben Goldacre
The John P. McGovern Award Lectureship was established in 1983 in honor of John P. McGovern, MD, noted physician, educator, author, and medical historian. The…
Beyond The Library Walls: Informationists and Popups
I really enjoyed the “Beyond the library walls: informationists and popups” session, in particular Ariel Deardorff’s talk “Assessing the National Library of Medicine’s Informationist Awards”.…
Poster session – creating a shared hospital website
Many hospital libraries are experiencing significant organizational changes including mergers, affiliations and reorganizations. One challenge is creating a single website for resource access. A single…
QxMD: The Personalized Digital Medical Journal
Read by QxMD Institution Edition is like a personalized digital medical journal. QxMD is a journal aggregator where users can browse 1000’s of topic reviews, or…
Delightful Chaos: Why Do We Do It?
For the last couple weeks I have been spottily scheming and creating a plan of attack for my MLA-Mosiac’16 trip. I had signed up for…
First Timer Experience: CE Online Instruction Toolkit
This past year has been a year of “new” for me. I am a new MLIS graduate, a new professional, new MLA member, and this…
First Timer Experience: CE Data Viz Just Do It!
Because I am a lover of learning, as are all of us, I took two CEs to expand my skills and better serve my community…
Poster Session @ Mosaic 2016
Are you attending Mosaic 2016? Having you planned out your schedule? Make time to stop by the poster sessions in Exhibit Hall A. There are…
AGM and did someone say “After Party”?
CHLA/ABSC hosts its Annual General Meeting at noon today. Here you will get a recap of the activities over the past year as well as…
Poster session – can’t miss learning opportunity
Schwartz Rounds have been launched in nearly 400 hospitals across the country. The rounds allow clinical staff to share challenges and experiences with patients or…
Congratulations to Melissa Rethlefsen for winning the section research award
Congratulations to Melissa Rethlefsen for winning the section research award for herself and her two section coauthors of the paper “Librarian co-authors correlated with higher…
Implanter et maintenir un service de revues systématiques : ça ne se fait pas en criant « ciseaux » !
Le plus dur à une conférence du MLA c’est de choisir les ateliers, il y en a tellement que c’est décevant quand on se trompe.…
BodyViz: Learning in 3D
Teaching and learning methods are always evolving. Technology enhanced learning tools are on the rise! The Exhibit Hall features innovative ways Libraries can offer new…
So Many Good Posters
Good morning, everyone! The poster sessions for Sunday and Monday were well attended. Several posters are on display in Exhibit Hall A. In poster session…
So Many Good Posters – Canadian Colleagues
Good morning, everyone! The poster sessions for Monday and Tuesday were well attended. Several posters are on display in Exhibit Hall A. In poster session 2,…
Janet Doe Lecture: We Can Be Heroes. We Can Be Leaders.
MJ’s Tooey’s appointment as the Janet Doe Lecturer led her down a path to create a mosaic of leadership traits. In her lecture, “We Can…