Get your Caffeine Fix at MLA ‘17
Seattle has always been associated with Starbucks, but did you know that Seattle is ranked as the “best U.S. city for coffee fanatics” according to…
Meeting Preview: Flying to Seattle
Submitted by Tania P. Bardyn, AHIP, Chair, Local Assistance Committee, and Emily Glenn, AHIP, Publicity Subcommittee, 2017 National Program Committee Flying Getting here really is…
Chapter News
Edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP September 2016 Tri-Chapter Meeting in Philly Submitted by Emilie Ludeman, Communications Chair, 2016 Tri-Chapter Meeting Make plans to join…
Hello, Seattle. It’s Nice to Meet You!
How do I get around at MLA ’17 in Seattle? What is the troll eating? What can I do with my down time? Tell me…
Sneak Peek on MLA Award for Research Advancement
By Margaret Bandy and Michelle Kraft, Research Imperative Task Force (RITF) Does your organization support your involvement in research activities? The MLA Board has approved…
Calling All MLA ’17 Attendees, Post-Meeting Cruise to Alaska
By Tania P. Bardyn, AHIP, Chair, Local Assistance Committee, and Emily Glenn, AHIP, Publicity Subcommittee, 2017 National Program Committee MLA has arranged a post-meeting Alaskan…
New Institute Will Provide In-Depth Research Training for Librarians
In Toronto the MLA Board of Directors approved the concept of a Research Training Institute for health sciences librarians who want to improve their research…
Travel to Seattle
Flying Getting here really is half the fun and takes half a day! MLA ’17 attendees who plan on flying to SEA-TAC International Airport (SEA)…
Post MLA Cruise to Alaska
The Medical Library Association has arranged a group booking from June 2-9, 2017 Alaska sailing of Celebrity Solstice, following the 2017 Annual Conference in Seattle,…
MLA’16, CHLA/ABSC à la québécoise
Déjà plus d’une semaine depuis la fin du congrès Mosaic | Mosaïque. Avec le recul et la magie des enregistrements audio (qui permet une certaine…
Closing Keynote Speaker Ellen Jorgensen
Mosaic 2016’s final event featured the plenary speaker Ellen Jorgensen. She is the cofounder of Genspace which is a community lab in Brooklyn dedicated providing…
I Found a New eCompanion!
Julia Dahm of the University of Pitsburgh Health Sciences Library System presented eCompanion ( – a 3-year project designed to create and provide a free…
Les présentations éclairs à la canadienne
Un atelier du MLA où trois conférencières disent quelques mots en français (dont un beau « bonjour » louisianais), c’est peut-être bien une première !…
Les affiches. Beaucoup, beaucoup d’affiches.
243 affiches étaient présentées en trois périodes d’une heure. J’en ai surement manqué pas mal mais, de celles que j’ai eu le temps de voir,…
NLM Update – Amidst Big Changes, Some Things Remain the Same
Note: the National Library of Medicine (NLM) update presentation was recorded on video; see the website for access to video, which should be available to you…
Remises de prix et célébrations du 40e anniversaire de l’ABSC
Plus de 650 personnes ont participé hier soir au Dîner de la présidente au Fairmont Royal York de Toronto. Votre vadrouilleuse est arrivée avec une…
Business Meeting, Presidential Inaugural, & MLA ’17 Invitation
The AGM kick-off with a nice introduction and recognition of board of directors and other MLA representatives. With 377 attendees, we far exceeded quorum for…
John P. McGovern Award Lecture – Ben Goldacre
The John P. McGovern Award Lectureship was established in 1983 in honor of John P. McGovern, MD, noted physician, educator, author, and medical historian. The…
Beyond The Library Walls: Informationists and Popups
I really enjoyed the “Beyond the library walls: informationists and popups” session, in particular Ariel Deardorff’s talk “Assessing the National Library of Medicine’s Informationist Awards”.…
Poster session – creating a shared hospital website
Many hospital libraries are experiencing significant organizational changes including mergers, affiliations and reorganizations. One challenge is creating a single website for resource access. A single…