Technology: Game On: Online Serious Gaming to Build Interprofessional Competencies
Submitted by Dana Thimons, AHIP, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Alexandria, VA; edited by Jean M. Gudenas Unlike the classroom environment, where students spend most…
Patricia Flatley Brennan Named National Library of Medicine Director
In May, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD, announced that Patricia Flatley Brennan, RN, PhD, will be the next director…
Meeting Preview: Flying to Seattle
Submitted by Tania P. Bardyn, AHIP, Chair, Local Assistance Committee, and Emily Glenn, AHIP, Publicity Subcommittee, 2017 National Program Committee Flying Getting here really is…
Member Spotlight: Gayle Graham, AHIP
Fast Facts: MLA Member Since: March 2015First Professional Position: Research librarianCurrent Position: Librarian educator, Library Service, Nova Scotia Provincial Health–Halifax, CanadaEducation (include all degrees): Bachelor…
Social Media: From the Desk of the Canadian Mosaic ’16 Blog Editor and Tweeter Coordinator
Submitted by Orvie Dingwall, AHIP, Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library, University of Manitoba–Winnipeg, Canada; edited by Lara Killian, AHIP At the end of 2013,…
Chapter News
Edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP September 2016 Tri-Chapter Meeting in Philly Submitted by Emilie Ludeman, Communications Chair, 2016 Tri-Chapter Meeting Make plans to join…
Section & SIG News
Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Hypothesis Needs You! Submitted by Christine Marton, Hypothesis Editor, and Erin Diane Foster, Hypothesis Associate Editor Did you submit…
Incomplete and incorrect affiliation information was provided for Jenny Pierce, contributing author for the June/July social media column in the MLA News. It should read:…
Internet Resources: Bibliotherapy and Poetry Therapy
Submitted by Judy Griggs, Family Resource Center, Akron Children’s Hospital, Akron, OH; edited by Talicia Tarver In 1966, the Association of Hospital and Institution Libraries…
MLA Board Highlights: May 2016
Submitted by Kevin Baliozian, MLA Executive Director The MLA Board of Directors met on May 12, 13, and 18, 2016, in Toronto, Canada. All meetings…
The Board of Directors Gratefully Acknowledges Contributors
Submitted by Mary M. Langman, Director, Information Issues and Policy, MLA The Board of Directors gratefully acknowledges the following contributors, whose donations were received after…
Submitted by Donald Welch Get Ready for High Tech Shelving Help Would you have trouble finding the place to shelve R2-D2? How about shelving C-3PO?…
Members Adopt Bylaws Amendments
By Ellen Brassil, Chair, and Chris Shaffer, Board Liaison, MLA Bylaws Committee The changes to the MLA bylaws have been officially approved by a full…
Hello, Seattle. It’s Nice to Meet You!
How do I get around at MLA ’17 in Seattle? What is the troll eating? What can I do with my down time? Tell me…
MLA and AAHSL Take Our Message to the Hill
The Joint MLA/AAHSL Legislative Task Force met in Washington, DC June 28-29. Here is a recap of the very productive meeting. Mary Langman, Director, Information…
Congress Proposes Increased National Library of Medicine Funding
The House and Senate Appropriations Committees have proposed increasing National Library of Medicine’s funding for 2017: The House bill provides $403,086,000 (7.5 million above FY 2016),…
Sneak Peek on MLA Award for Research Advancement
By Margaret Bandy and Michelle Kraft, Research Imperative Task Force (RITF) Does your organization support your involvement in research activities? The MLA Board has approved…
Carla Hayden Named Librarian of Congress
On July 13th, the Senate approved the nomination of Carla Hayden for Librarian of Congress. When nominating Ms. Hayden, President Obama pointed out that “Her…
Calling All MLA ’17 Attendees, Post-Meeting Cruise to Alaska
By Tania P. Bardyn, AHIP, Chair, Local Assistance Committee, and Emily Glenn, AHIP, Publicity Subcommittee, 2017 National Program Committee MLA has arranged a post-meeting Alaskan…
The Value of the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP)
Earlier this year, the Credentialing Committee surveyed Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) members to learn how they perceive the value of membership in AHIP,…