MLA Honors Excellence in Health Sciences Librarianship
MLA honors all of its 2016 award winners and recognizes their outstanding professional contributions to the field of health sciences librarianship. The Presidents’ Awards Dinner…
Social Media: Using Flickr for Library Reference
Submitted by Patricia F. Anderson, Taubman Health Sciences Library, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor; edited by Lara Killian, AHIP Once upon a time, I received a…
Staffing the “Born Digital” Library
Submitted by Nadine Dexter, AHIP, Health Sciences Library, University of Central Florida–Orlando, and Bradley A. Long, AHIP, Park Library, Central Michigan University–Mount Pleasant Campus Editor’s…
Section & SIG News
Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Leadership and Management Section Professional Development Award Announced Submitted by Nancy Tannery, Chair, and Laura Davison, Bradley A. Long,…
Chapter News
Edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP Connect with the Southern Chapter Submitted by Emily Brennan, Communications Chair, Southern Chapter of MLA The Southern Chapter of…
Cunningham Fellow to Attend Mosaic ’16 in Toronto
Submitted by Megan von Isenburg, Chair, International Cooperation Section MLA will host the Cunningham Fellow at this year’s annual meeting in Toronto, ON, Canada. The…
The Board of Directors Gratefully Acknowledges Contributors
Submitted by Mary M. Langman, Director, Information Issues and Policy, MLA The Board of Directors gratefully acknowledges the following contributors, whose donations were received after…
Joanne Marshall Leading Sunday Morning Yoga!
Everyone is welcome to attend Sunday morning yoga! When: Sunday May 15, 2016 Time: 07h30 – 08h30 What: Flow yoga Instructor: Joanne Gard Marshall. Sponsors: The…
Looking forward to meeting you!
The CHLA/ABSC Board of Directors has a full slate of activities throughout the conference but we (all confence attendees) will have heaps of opportunities to…
Running (or Walking) Toronto
Source: Waterfront Trail Zone 2 Although the Mosaic’16 Local Assistance Commitee proposed running trails in a previous post, Co-Chair Vanessa Kitchin confirmed that there are…
What Exactly is a Knaked Dress?
Image credit: Lee-Anne Ufholz Bonjour à tous! Hello everyone! Some of you may remember me from previous MLA Meeting Blogs, as I covered plenary and…
Mosaic ’16 Restaurant Guide
Toronto has a mosaic of restaurants, food choices, and prices, to choose from! The conference planners have created an extensively amazing Restaurant Guide. Download it…
US Calling Plans When In Canada
Some MLA members have reported on social media about good deals they secured with their cell phone providers to use their phones while at Mosaic…
From CHLA/ABSC to MLA: Time to Start Scheduling!
It’s hard to believe that Mosaic ’16 starts in a few short days! An enormous amount of work by an enormous number of people continues…
Mosaic ’16 Online Schedule and Mobile App
Don’t leave building your schedule until the day before you leave for Mosaic ’16, start now! Build your personal schedule in the Mosaic ’16 app…
Check Out Toronto’s Amazing Diversity Of Libraries!
Check Out Toronto’s Amazing Diversity Of Libraries! Toronto’s mosaic is represented in the variety of neighbourhoods, restaurants, and cultural events it houses and the diversity…
Be Part of the Big Picture! Live streaming interviews at Mosaic ’16
To trial emerging live streaming technologies, such as Periscope or Facebook Live, etc., there will be a live streaming location near the Mosaic ’16 registration…
Twitter Hashtags at Mosaic ’16
Whether you’re at home, or in-person at the conference, following on Twitter is a great way to Be Part of the Big Picture at Mosaic…
Guidelines for Mosaic ’16 Official Bloggers and Tweeters
Mosaic ’16 will feature Official Tweeters and Bloggers to share conference activities and events with meeting attendees and those unable to attend in-person. If you…
MLA/ICS International Visiting Health Information Professionals Program Updates and Pilot Run
Interested in learning medical librarianship from a different cultural perspective, either first-hand or through interaction with a fellow librarian from another country in your own…