• Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Save the Date:Monday, May 16, 2016; 1:00 p.m.–2:25 p.m.Program: Our Role and Impact on Increasing Patient Safety and Reducing Readmissions…

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  • Chapter News

    Edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP Pacific Northwest Chapter of MLA Submitted by Emily J. Glenn, AHIP, Publicity Chair, Annual Meeting Planning Committee, Pacific Northwest…

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  • Chapter News

    Edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP 2015 Midcontinental Chapter Virtual Meeting Submitted by Angela Spencer, Advocacy Chair, Midcontinental Chapter A virtual meeting—some said it couldn’t…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Consumer and Patient Health Information Section Submitted by Catherine R. Hogan Smith, AHIP, Immediate Past Chair, Consumer and Patient…

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  • Chapter News: Call for Chapter Annual Meeting Favorite Things

    Editor’s note: As we went to press for this issue many chapters were in the middle of or looking forward to their annual meetings. We…

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  • What Can MLA Sections Do for You?

    MLA’s 20+ sections, built around themes of long-term concern to MLA members, are core to our mission and work. Cumulatively, these sections have almost 3,400…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Announcement from the Association of Vision Sciences Librarians Submitted by Leslie Holland, Cochair, Association of Vision Science Librarians The…

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  • Chapter News

    Edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP News from the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona Submitted by Danielle Linden, AHIP, President, Medical Library…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP New Reis International Cooperation Section IFLA Annual Meeting Grant Submitted by Megan von Isenburg, AHIP, Chair, International Cooperation Section…

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  • Chapter News: Midcontinental Chapter Connects Virtually

    Submitted by Heather L. Brown, AHIP, Cochair, 2015 Annual Meeting, Midcontinental Chapter; edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP Editor’s Note: You may have seen in…

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  • Chapter News

    Edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP University of Southern California−Los Angeles Libraries Dean Catherine Quinlan, Nancy Olmos, and Annie Hughes-Thompson (left to right) Nancy Olmos…

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  • Section News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Veterinary Specialty Board Examinations Reading Lists Submitted by Jessica R. Page, AHIP, Past Chair, Veterinary Medical Libraries Section, and…

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  • Chapter News

    Edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP The 2014 Southern Chapter/MLA Meeting a Success Submitted by Richard Nollan, Chair, Southern Chapter This year, the Southern Chapter’s…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Relevant Issues Section Organizes MLA ’15 Book Drive Submitted by Kate Flewelling, Chair, Relevant Issues Section    Photo credit: Kate…

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  • Chapter News: Philadelphia Regional Chapter’s Annual Business Meeting and Continuing Education Event

    Submitted by Christine Davidian, Communications Chair, Philadelphia Regional Chapter; edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP   Figure 1   Michelle Kraft, AHIP, presents at the…

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  • Chapter News: New York-New Jersey Chapter Meeting

    Submitted by Roberta Bronson Fitzpatrick, Chair, New York-New Jersey Chapter; edited by Jennifer K. Lloyd, AHIP “Creating Collaborations: How Did They Do That?” was the…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Molecular Biology and Genomics SIG Announcement Submitted by Margaret Henderson, AHIP, Convener, Molecular Biology and Genomics SIG In May 2015, the Molecular Biology and Genomics…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Consumer and Patient Health Information Section Award Recipients Submitted by Kay Hogan Smith, AHIP, Chair, Consumer and Patient Health…

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  • Chapter News

    Reaching Out in New Directions: Changing the Northern California and Nevada Medical Library Group Approach to Outreach Submitted by Julia A. Hause, AHIP, Nevada Cochair,…

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  • The Section/SIG Dance-athon

    A huge thank you to everyone who attended the section/SIG open forum at MLA ’15. We  know there were two other open forums running simultaneously,…

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