• Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIPAnnouncement from the Association of Vision Sciences LibrariansSubmitted by Leslie Holland, Cochair, Association of Vision Science LibrariansThe Association of Vision…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP New Reis International Cooperation Section IFLA Annual Meeting Grant Submitted by Megan von Isenburg, AHIP, Chair, International Cooperation Section…

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  • Section News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Veterinary Specialty Board Examinations Reading Lists Submitted by Jessica R. Page, AHIP, Past Chair, Veterinary Medical Libraries Section, and…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Relevant Issues Section Organizes MLA ’15 Book Drive Submitted by Kate Flewelling, Chair, Relevant Issues Section    Photo credit: Kate…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Molecular Biology and Genomics SIG Announcement Submitted by Margaret Henderson, AHIP, Convener, Molecular Biology and Genomics SIG In May 2015, the Molecular Biology and Genomics…

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  • Section & SIG News

    Edited by Saori Wendy Herman, AHIP Consumer and Patient Health Information Section Award Recipients Submitted by Kay Hogan Smith, AHIP, Chair, Consumer and Patient Health…

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  • The Section/SIG Dance-athon

    A huge thank you to everyone who attended the section/SIG open forum at MLA ’15. We  know there were two other open forums running simultaneously,…

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  • EMTS Membership Report 2015

    Posted by Amy Blevins As of Dec. 31,  2014 EMTS had 194 members.  Renewal numbers for this year so far are at 148 but many…

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  • EMTS Treasurer’s and CE Committee Reports 2015

    Posted  by Amy Blevins Treasurer’s Report Current balance in the treasury is $14037.76 MLA 2014 balance was $13716.38 Review upcoming/expected expenditures for the meeting 2…

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  • Won’t You Join the (Section) Dance?

    Kicking off a new vision for sections and SIGs   Change—there are so many quotes about it. One that I recently came across may be…

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  • Current EMTS Officers

    Hello everyone, Below is a list of the current EMTS officers. Feel free to contact any of us if you have questions, comments, or concerns.…

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  • 2014 EMTS Annual Meeting Attendance Grant Winners

    Posted on April 8, 2014 by Amy Blevins After careful review of applications to the EMTS MLA Attendance Grant, the grant subcommittee (Amy Blevins, Dale…

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  • Distance Support Survey

    Posted on March 7, 2014 by Amy Blevins Margaret Hoogland and Carolyn Schubert have developed a survey that they would like you to take. http://redcap.atsu.edu/apps/redcap/surveys/?s=KWnABHgkJA…

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  • A Letter from the Chair

    Hello everyone, I’d like to introduce myself since I didn’t get to meet all y’all at MLA. As the Public Health Coordinator for the NN/LM…

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  • Enhancement or Crutch? Alternative PubMed Interfaces

    Posted on June 11, 2013 by Amy Blevins Our latest guest blog post comes from Keith Engwall (@librariandad), and he is the Web and Emerging…

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  • Experiences with Online Education, StudiUM, and Flipped Classrooms

    Posted on June 4, 2013 by Amy Blevins Natalie Clairoux is a librarian at the Bibliothèque de la santé at the Université de Montréal. Her…

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  • #FOAMed and Medical Libraries: Where and How Should They Intersect?

    At the MLA meeting in Boston, our EMTS members expressed an interest in writing for the EMTS blog.  Our first guest writer is Keith Engwall…

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  • 2012-13 Annual Report

    The 2012-13 EMTS Annual Report was filed on April 15. Elements of this report will be discussed during the EMTS Business Meeting in Boston (Tuesday,…

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  • EMTS Business Meeting Agenda for MLA 2013

    Hello, fellow EMTS members! As you might have noticed, we have our section Business Meeting scheduled during the 2013 MLA Annual Meeting: EMTS Business MeetingTuesday,…

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  • 2013 Annual Meeting Attendance Grant Winners

    Hi everyone, After careful review of applications to the EMTS MLA Attendance Grant, the grant subcommittee has selected the two winners:Natalie ClairouxAmy Blevins Congratulations, Natalie…

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