Academic Librarians Caucus History
Edited by Christine WillisIn celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are available…
History of the Hawaii Pacific Chapter
The Hawaii Regional Medical Library Group, Inc. first formed in October, 1969 after five librarians petitioned the Medical Library Association to form a regional group.…
Building a Data Dashboard to Track Education Outreach Efforts
Background Region 3 (RML) of the Network of National Library of Medicine (NNLM) serves Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri. The RML offers outreach,…
Margaret Vugrin Retirement
Margaret Vugrin, research and reference librarian for the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC)–Lubbock, retired on March 31, 2023, after 38 years of service.…
Shannon Harris Joins Preston Smith Library of the Health Sciences, TTUHSC
Shannon Harris joined the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Libraries (Lubbock) as a research and reference librarian on March 16, 2023. In this role,…
Dental Caucus History
The first MLA paper on a dental topic titled “Making a Dental Library Active” was presented at the 1924 MLA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL…
Women Who Inspire Us
“Celebrating Women Who Tell Stories” is the 2023 theme for National Women’s History Month. Women have played a prominent role throughout MLA’s history, furthering our…
NLM and MLA: Collaboration to Benefit the Profession and the Public
Mark your calendars now for the March 22, 2023, joint Fireside Chat between MLA and NLM leaders! Join MLA President Shannon Jones, AHIP, FMLA; MLA President-elect…
Announcing Peer Coaches for 2023 Research Training Institute
The Research Training Institute (RTI) team is pleased to announce the new peer coaches for the 2023 RTI online program: Andy Hickner, Christi Piper, Erin…
Pacific Northwest Chapter History
Edited by: Suzanne Fricke The Pacific Northwest Chapter (PNC) of MLA first formed in 1953 as the Pacific Northwest Regional Group, made up initially of…
RTI Research Spotlight: New Evaluation Rubric Helps Identify Point-of-Care Tools Based On Nurses’ Information Needs
Healthcare professionals need accurate information to best care for their patients and they need it quickly. Recent years have seen the rise of tools that…
Student Engagement AND Assessment in the Virtual Library Classroom? Google Forms to the Rescue!
By Lily Martin, MLIS, Reference & Instruction Librarian, Levy Library at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Samantha Walsh, MLS, MA, Hunter College…
Caucus/Chapter Histories: Public Services Caucus
Edited by Sally Gore, MS, MS LIS, MLA History Committee, and 125-Year Retrospective Task Force Today’s Public Services Caucus began around 1978 as the Bibliographic…
MeSH: 2023 Terms Update
BREAKING NEWS: NEW January 18 NLM Office Hours Special Listening Session: MeSH Following our first NLM Office Hours Special Listening Session in June 2022, this event…
Growing a Seed Library
By Brandon Patterson, Jennifer Macali, Gabrielle James, and Donna Baluchi Walk into the Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah and you’ll be…
You’re Invited! RTI Drop-In Session December 9
Last week, MLA’s Research Training Institute Fellowship Program held an informational Open Forum to provide an overview of the program and answer questions. The November…
Librarians Supporting Our Heroes – How Collaboration Has Impacted Outreach
Coauthored by Dr. Bianca Brillant, Nancy Clark, Janice Young, Jennifer Jones, and Cheryl Banick At the 2022 MLA Conference, the authors of this article…
Your Turn: Share How Medical Librarians Make an Impact
For several years, Michelle Kraft, AHIP, FMLA has been sharing her views on medical librarianship through her blog, The Krafty Librarian. In recognition of National…
Update from the MLA/RTI Value Studies Working Group
Since 2016, the Evidence You Can Use To Communicate Library Value page on the MLA site has highlighted studies that demonstrate the tremendous value health sciences…
Participate in Office of Management & Budget Initiative to Update MeSH Terminology OMB’s Statistical Standards for Race and Ethnicity
This past summer the National Library of Medicine (NLM) hosted a listening session with external communities and users to discuss the role of community input in…