Growing a Seed Library
By Brandon Patterson, Jennifer Macali, Gabrielle James, and Donna BaluchiWalk into the Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah and you’ll be greeted…
Librarians Supporting Our Heroes – How Collaboration Has Impacted Outreach
Coauthored by Dr. Bianca Brillant, Nancy Clark, Janice Young, Jennifer Jones, and Cheryl Banick At the 2022 MLA Conference, the authors of this article…
Library Gateways to VA: An Outreach Initiative Between Vermont and Western New Hampshire Public Libraries and the White River Junction VA
Submitted by Loretta Grikis Introduction Library Gateways to the VA is an outreach project that partnered the White River Junction VA with over 255 service…
JMLA Author Interview: Stephanie M. Swanberg
Stephanie M. Swanberg is the lead author on the article “A health education outreach partnership between an academic medical library and public library: lessons learned…
VA Librarian Engages Veterans Through Book Club on VA Video Connect
When the COVID-19 pandemic caused lockdowns and social distancing restrictions in 2020, the US Department of Veterans Affairs transitioned to remote operations. Lisa Huang, supervisory…
Libraries, the Centerpiece of a Public Health Initiative
Libraries are increasingly playing an essential role in our communities as a hub for access to information, support, and opportunity. Because of this, Safe Space…
Overview of Citation Software: Pros, Cons, and Best Uses
By Sarah Jackson Citation programs are a common feature of library instruction, helping users to manage difficult and cumbersome projects. Four programs are particularly common…
The UX Caucus Database Tips Blog
By Kate Saylor and Andy Hickner The User Experience (UX) Caucus recently launched a new Database Tips blog. The project began in February 2021 when…
New Ed-Tech Apps to Try This Year
It is a new year and a great time to try out new technology! One of the few good things to come out of the…
VA Chaplains Virtually Connect Veterans in the ICU with Their Families
This is an edited version of an article that was originally published here: https://blogs.va.gov/VAntage/83907/va-chaplains-virtually-connect-veterans-icu/. A few weeks ago, a veteran in an intensive care unit…
It’s Never Too Early to Start the Conversation
Yes, we could talk about something more pleasant, but death and dying are an inevitable aspect of our lived human experience. End-of-life decision-making recognizes the…
SC/MLA Members Share Inspiring Ideas for Promoting Libraries: Part 2 of 3
This article originally ran in the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association’s newsletter Southern Expressions, 2021;37(4):4–8. October is National Medical Librarians Month, a time…
SC/MLA Members Share Inspiring Ideas for Promoting Libraries: Part 1 of 3
These articles originally ran in the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association’s newsletter Southern Expressions, 2021;37(4):4–8. October is National Medical Librarians Month, a time…
Little Free Library: Building Community During the Pandemic
If you’ve encountered a brightly painted book box, chances are it’s a Little Free Library book exchange. The nonprofit, global book-sharing movement has grown to…
Participate in APHA; Sewell Stipends due July 16!
Hello librarian friends, The Sewell Stipend pays for librarians to participate virtually in the annual meeting of APHA, the American Public Health Association. You can…
What comes to mind when you read or hear the words “data visualization (DV)?” Some might imagine a sort of data “placebo” that works on…
Storytelling for Public Health
I lay in bed, turning this way and that. I felt queasy and weak. The bathroom was only a short distance away down the hall,…
Consumer Health: Improving Wikipedia through #CiteNLM Edit-a-Thons
Submitted by Elizabeth Waltman, Network of the National Library of Medicine, Southeastern/Atlantic Region, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland–Baltimore; edited by Heidi…
Clinical Support: Medical Librarians as Public Information Leaders in a Pandemic: Part 2 of 3
Submitted by Louise McLaughlin, Woman’s Health Sciences Library, Baton Rouge, LA; interviewed by Laurie Schwing, Hub Editor: Clinical Support, MLAConnect Recently, the hospital libraries email…
Innovation & Research Practice: Crisis and Creativity: Stories of Ingenuity from the Emory Libraries
About a month ago, a colleague at Emory University sent an email to a local health sciences library email discussion list inviting participants to attend…