CDS Newsletter Fall 2017 vol. 29 #1
Developments Fall 2017 v. 29 #1Hello from Your EditorsThis Summer and Fall have been busy for both of us and we imagine other CDS members are…
NMLM Feature: Paws to Read @ the Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital – Family Resource Center Library
This content is only available to members.
Hospital Librarianship: Current Awareness, Professional Reading
Submitted by Brian L. Baker, Medical Library, Valley Children’s Hospital, Madera, CA; edited by Angela Spencer, AHIP In May of 2018, one of the pediatric…
Consumer Health: Institute for Healthcare Advancement Annual Health Literacy Conference
Submitted by Ophelia Morey, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; edited by Christine Willis, AHIP May 2018 marked the 17th year that the…
FYI: Oddities
Lots of items can be found in collections that could be considered offbeat, maybe even weird. Smithsonian, among others, has written about it more than…
How the National Library of Medicine Can Add Evidence to Your mHealth App, Part 3
This is the third article in a three-part series about how the free, evidence-based, online resources from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) can be…
Hospital Librarianship: Health Sciences Library Closings
Many libraries across the United States have closed, and other libraries are facing closure. A study of health sciences library closings found that from 1989–2006…
How the National Library of Medicine Can Add Evidence to Your mHealth App, Part 2
This is the second article in a three-part series about how the free, evidence-based, online resources from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) can be…
How the National Library of Medicine Can Add Evidence to Your mHealth App, Part 1
This article is the first in a three-part series about how the free, evidence-based, online resources from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) can be…
Hospital Librarianship: Education and Travel by Hospital Librarians: Results of a Survey
MLA frequently offers webinars for a charge to members. I knew from my personal experience that my hospital library does not have an education budget,…
FYI: The Latest about Sci-Hub
Something probably falling under the definition of a “statement or report disseminated without a source of truth or veracity”—in other words, a rumor—appeared recently in…
FYI: Eponymous Librarians
An article in College & Research Libraries recently took issue with the upshots of “Criteria for Determining Predatory Open-Access Publishers” by Jeffrey Beall. The authors…
Hospital Librarianship: Collaboration to Achieve Innovation
Submitted by Wanda Sebrena Thomas, Skelton Medical Library, Mercer University School of Medicine, Macon, GA; edited by Angela Spencer, AHIP Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) in a hospital…
FYI: Predators in the Periodicals
As if libraries (and patrons presumably) do not have enough to worry them—like ransomware, acts of terrorism, rascals in raincoats, news that is fake, theft,…
Consumer Health: Achieving Healthy Communities through Collaboration with Libraries
Submitted by Yingting Zhang, AHIP, Robert Wood Johnson Library of the Health Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey–New Brunswick; Zachary Taylor, Healthier Middlesex;…
FYI: Whither Books and Learning?
Demise of books? If the findings of a survey outlined in an article published by Inside Higher Education are indicative of trends to come, then…
Hospital Librarianship: A Workplace Solution and Rewarding Collaboration
Edited by Angela Spencer The Saint Marys* staff library supports the health care information needs of staff and affiliated students at Mayo Clinic Hospital–Saint Marys…
Consumer Health: LibGuides on Disabilities That Have Accessibility in Mind
Edited by Christine Willis, AHIP There are many websites about different disabilities, but they are often not aggregated in one easy-to-find and easy-to-access place. The…
Hospital Librarianship: Introducing the Solo Librarians SIG!
Submitted by Louise McLaughlin, Health Sciences Library, Woman’s Hospital, Baton Rouge, LA, and Ellen M. Aaronson, AHIP, Medical Library, West Hills Hospital & Medical Center,…