Clinical Librarians and Evidence-Based Healthcare Caucus History
Edited by Christine WillisIn celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are available…
Animal and Veterinary Information Specialist Caucus
In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are available on MLANET. Q:…
Academic Librarians Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) is pleased to share its latest brief – Hidden Crisis: Pediatric Oral Health in Rural America
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) is pleased to share its latest brief – Hidden Crisis: Pediatric Oral Health in Rural America – that brings to light some of the challenges faced by…
History of the Hawaii Pacific Chapter
The Hawaii Regional Medical Library Group, Inc. first formed in October, 1969 after five librarians petitioned the Medical Library Association to form a regional group.…
Building a Data Dashboard to Track Education Outreach Efforts
Background Region 3 (RML) of the Network of National Library of Medicine (NNLM) serves Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri. The RML offers outreach,…
Margaret Vugrin Retirement
Margaret Vugrin, research and reference librarian for the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC)–Lubbock, retired on March 31, 2023, after 38 years of service.…
Shannon Harris Joins Preston Smith Library of the Health Sciences, TTUHSC
Shannon Harris joined the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Libraries (Lubbock) as a research and reference librarian on March 16, 2023. In this role,…
Call for Volunteers – HLC Members at MLA
THE NATIONAL NETWORK WANTS YOU to write about your experience at MLA 2023. Are you attending virtually? In person? We want to hear from you! …
Dental Caucus History
The first MLA paper on a dental topic titled “Making a Dental Library Active” was presented at the 1924 MLA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL…
Women Who Inspire Us
“Celebrating Women Who Tell Stories” is the 2023 theme for National Women’s History Month. Women have played a prominent role throughout MLA’s history, furthering our…
Developments Special Issue 2023 v. 34 #2
Message from the Editor With MLA fast approaching, we wanted to put out a special issue announcing the second collection development & resource sharing symposium, to…
Pacific Northwest Chapter History
Edited by: Suzanne Fricke The Pacific Northwest Chapter (PNC) of MLA first formed in 1953 as the Pacific Northwest Regional Group, made up initially of…
5 Minutes With…. Olivia Glotfelty-Scheuering
Thanks for taking five minutes to talk with National Network. Inquiring minds want to know! Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you…
Caucus/Chapter Histories: Public Services Caucus
Edited by Sally Gore, MS, MS LIS, MLA History Committee, and 125-Year Retrospective Task Force Today’s Public Services Caucus began around 1978 as the Bibliographic…
Developments Spring 2023 v. 34 #1
Message from the Chair Dear Collection Development Caucus Members, Welcome to 2023! I am grateful for each of you and hope you are all…
Message from the Chair – Happy New Year!
I hope you all have a Happy Holiday Season and a lovely New Year! I am off to Disneyland with my adult kids for three…
Message from the Editors – Happy Holidays!
The National Network would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season, and we hope that you are taking …
Advocating for Authorship: Librarians and Information Professionals as Authors on Evidence Synthesis Publications
This blog post was coauthored by Emily A. Brennan. Despite making significant intellectual contributions to systematic reviews and evidence synthesis publications, and meeting authorship criteria…
JMLA Goes All Digital in 2023
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) will only be available in digital formats starting with the 2023 editions. The decision was made collaboratively,…