Research Training Institute (RTI) 2025: Why Should I Apply?
Applications are Now Open for the 2025-26 Research Training Institute (RTI). Since 2018, the RTI’s unique and highly successful program has trained, mentored, and supported…
Get your Proposals Ready for MLA ’25: Review the Tips!
The MLA ‘25 Contributed Content Workgroup (CCWG) has put together tips for submitting a contributed paper or immersion session for presentation at MLA ’25: Bridging…
Congratulations to the RTI ’24 Participants!
MLA is pleased to announce the 2024 Research Training Institute (RTI) participants! The RTI ’24 online program is a successful, immersive research training program that…
History of the South Central Chapter
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary, we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
MLA ’24 Designer Wins Silver MUSE Award
While the National Program Committee (NPC) for each MLA conference selects speakers, contributed content, and theme, it’s the design experts in MCI that contribute their…
Announcing the new Hospital Library Caucus Advocacy LibGuide
Additional authors: Kathy Zeblisky and Nancy Clark The new Hospital Library Caucus (HLC) Advocacy pages are now available for viewing and use. They reside on…
Caucus News: From Quarterlyish Newsletter to Biweekly Blog: A Caucus’s Journey
The value of professional organizations is indisputable for connecting with other professionals, for networking, and for camaraderie. This is especially true for the Hospital Library…
Caucus News: Hospital Library Caucus Awards Its Members
It is a long-standing tradition for the Hospital Library Caucus (HLC) to recognize members with its own caucus awards. The Awards Ceremony honoring members added…
Hospital Librarianship: Introducing the Solo Librarians SIG!
Submitted by Louise McLaughlin, Health Sciences Library, Woman’s Hospital, Baton Rouge, LA, and Ellen M. Aaronson, AHIP, Medical Library, West Hills Hospital & Medical Center,…