Participate in APHA; Sewell Stipends due July 16!
Hello librarian friends,The Sewell Stipend pays for librarians to participate virtually in the annual meeting of APHA, the American Public Health Association. You can meet…
Librarians Share Their Pandemic Experiences
The International Cooperation Caucus hosted an immersion session for the 2021 Annual Meeting: “Health and Libraries during COVID-19: An MLA International and Intercultural Session.” Organized…
EFTS Unbilled Transactions Announcement
This is an update regarding the processing of unbilled transactions for EFTS lending libraries. Unbilled transactions are transactions imported from DOCLINE that a lending library…
EFTS Custom Pricing Groups Now Launched
This is an announcement regarding the launch of EFTS Custom Pricing Groups for lending libraries. A primary objective of the EFTS Powered by MLA platform…
Understanding the Currency of Trust in Health Literacy
Image source: Dr. Lisa On the Street…
Developments Spring 2021 v. 32 #2
Developments Spring 2021 v. 32 #2 Message from the Editor Message from the Chair Caucus Leadership Statement of Solidarity with Asian Americans Pacific Islanders (AAPI)…
It All Started with a Tweet. The Beginning of the Asian Diaspora Coalition of Medical Librarians
Submitted by Andrea Kang, Chelsea Misquith, and Seema Bhakta; edited by Lilian Hoffecker. Since the spring of 2020, we have been working together to…
Culinary Literacy Programs: Recipes for Success
Setting up and preparing for a virtual culinary literacy program making salsa and guacamole. Reading a recipe, knowing and understanding basic kitchen terms and…
Using Social Media to Correct Health Misinformation
Mass media and social networks have long played a role in the distribution of health information as people try to make sense of evolving research,…
An Introduction to the Global Health & Health Equity Hub*
What is Health Equity? What is Global Health? Health equity is often thought of as everyone having equal access to healthcare resources and information, but…
Global Health & Health Equity: Another Look at 2020 with Obama’s Favorite Books: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Each year, former President Barack Obama shares his top books, many of which describe the sensitive balance of experiences related to diversity, equity, and inclusion…
Developments Fall 2020 v. 32 #1
Developments Fall 2020 v. 32 #1 From the Editor Message from the Chair Get to Know Collection Development Members Wish lists as a Collection Development…
Storytelling for Public Health
I lay in bed, turning this way and that. I felt queasy and weak. The bathroom was only a short distance away down the hall,…
EFTS Successes and Growing Pains
One short year ago, MLA agreed to develop a new Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS) platform to ensure continuity of service for the many libraries…
Consumer Health: Improving Wikipedia through #CiteNLM Edit-a-Thons
Submitted by Elizabeth Waltman, Network of the National Library of Medicine, Southeastern/Atlantic Region, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland–Baltimore; edited by Heidi…
Clinical Support: Medical Librarians as Public Information Leaders in a Pandemic: Part 2 of 3
Submitted by Louise McLaughlin, Woman’s Health Sciences Library, Baton Rouge, LA; interviewed by Laurie Schwing, Hub Editor: Clinical Support, MLAConnect Recently, the hospital libraries email…
Global Health & Health Equity: European Medical Libraries during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Submitted by Maurella Della Seta, President, European Association of Health Information and Libraries; edited by Lilian Hoffecker, Hub Editor: Global Health & Health Equity, MLAConnect…
Innovation & Research Practice: Crisis and Creativity: Stories of Ingenuity from the Emory Libraries
About a month ago, a colleague at Emory University sent an email to a local health sciences library email discussion list inviting participants to attend…
Sewell Stipend Deadline is almost here!
The Sewell Stipend is a professional development resource for librarians who work with public health information and public health workers. The Sewell Stipend supports librarians…
Consumer Health: Making It Local: Virtual Conversations Extend Community Outreach
Missy Creed, consumer health librarian at the Ohio State University Library for Health Information (LHI), has responded to the current challenge of being “out in…