• Kickstart the New EFTS Platform: Update

    As you may have learned (and apologies if you have already received a similar message), MLA has developed the specifications of a new Electronic Funds…

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  • Kickstart the New EFTS Platform

    MLA has developed the specifications of a new Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS) platform. MLA will proceed with actual development and implementation if a minimum…

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  • Update on EFTS Continuation

    Submitted by Kevin Baliozian, MLA Executive Director, and Janice Swiatek, Director, Lyman Maynard Stowe Library, University of Connecticut (UConn) Health Center–Farmington On July 18, 2019,…

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  • Update on EFTS Continuation

    On May 22, 2019, Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS) users received a communication from Janice Swiatek, director of the Lyman Maynard Stowe Library at the…

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  • Developments Spring 2019 v. 30 #2

    Table of Contents Hello from Your Editors Message From the Chair Get to know CDS members CDS Members Presenting at MLA Recent Publications of Interest…

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  • FYI: Bibliotherapy

    Bibliotherapy. Ever heard of it? It has been “practiced” almost exactly a century, according to a posting that states simply that “the science” of bibliotherapy…

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  • Developments Fall 2018 v. 30 #1

    Table of Contents Hello from Your Editors Message From the ChairGet to know CDS membersRecent Publications of InterestKeeping CurrentCDS Related ConferencesBlast from the PastFun Facts…

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  • Developments Newsletter Spring 2018 v. 29 # 2

    (Newsletter Editors Christine Willis and Mary Shultz originally shared this issue of Developments via the section’s forum in 2018. It is now being translated into…

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  • Developments Spring 2017 v. 28 #3

    (Newsletter Editors Christine Willis and Mary Shultz originally shared this issue of Developments via the section’s forum in 2017. It is now being translated into…

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  • CDS Newsletter Fall 2017 vol. 29 #1

    Developments Fall 2017 v. 29 #1 Hello from Your Editors This Summer and Fall have been busy for both of us and we imagine other CDS…

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  • FYI: Oddities

    Lots of items can be found in collections that could be considered offbeat, maybe even weird. Smithsonian, among others, has written about it more than…

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  • FYI: The Latest about Sci-Hub

    Something probably falling under the definition of a “statement or report disseminated without a source of truth or veracity”—in other words, a rumor—appeared recently in…

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  • FYI: Eponymous Librarians

    An article in College & Research Libraries recently took issue with the upshots of “Criteria for Determining Predatory Open-Access Publishers” by Jeffrey Beall. The authors…

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  • FYI: Predators in the Periodicals

    As if libraries (and patrons presumably) do not have enough to worry them—like ransomware, acts of terrorism, rascals in raincoats, news that is fake, theft,…

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  • FYI: Whither Books and Learning?

    Demise of books? If the findings of a survey outlined in an article published by Inside Higher Education are indicative of trends to come, then…

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  • CDS Newsletter Fall 2016 v. 28 #2

    Developments Fall 2016 v. 28 #2 Message from the Editors In this issue of Developments we are delighted to bring updates from our Chair, Liz Lorbeer…

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  • CDS Newsletter Summer 2016 v. 28 #1

    CDS Newsletter Summer 2016 v. 28 #1       Message from the Editors Welcome back to the CDS Newsletter.   In this issue, you’ll…

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  • FYI

    Submitted by Donald Welch Did You Read an E-Book on September 18? Not purposefully, just coincidentally, Michael Kozlowski wrote in the wake of International Read an…

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  • Please Take Our Survey!

    The Collection Development Section is updating the part of its website that provides resources for the entire MLA user community. Please help us figure out…

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  • CDS Member Authored Articles, Books, Book Chapters, Reviews & Presentations

    CDS Members in BOLD Articles Reviews Presentations / Posters / Upcoming Presentations   Articles Goben, A., & Raszewski, R. (2015). The data life cycle applied…

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