Digging into the News: HealthNewsReview
In the course of my recent reading on health/science literacy, I came across HealthNewsReview. The site’s tagline is “Improving Your Critical Thinking About Healthcare,” and…
We’ve Got a Plan! (for the Future of MLA Education)
The Education Steering Committee (ESC) released its curriculum plan to the education curriculum committees last month. We are very proud of this accomplishment! We spent…
Increase Inclusiveness: Make Your Content Accessible
As librarians in public health, we all create handouts, tutorials, or outreach materials. How much do you consider accessibility features when you create that content?…
Information Literacy and Consumer Health: Reading the Fine Print
I was recently asked to give an instruction session to an undergraduate class about evaluating online sources of consumer health information. When I started doing…
Mendeley Reference Manager Software
When it comes to reference manager software, I have been a long-time user and supporter of both EndNote and RefWorks – but Mendeley is currently…
Op Ed: Why Health Insurance Policy Matters to Health Sciences Librarians
The year 2017 saw multiple attempts by the US Senate and House of Representatives to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In each case, the…
How to promote your research and scholarly output
Both ORCID and ResearchGate are two sites that help make your research more discoverable to the research community. Librarians enjoy exploring new tools and when…
Plastic Bag Ordinances
The city I live in recently joined the growing list of local U.S. governments using public policies to attempt to reduce reliance on thin plastic…
New MeSH Terms for Public Health
Hello PH/HA Members, When the end of the year approaches, the NLM announces upcoming changes to MeSH terms. Many of the changes for 2018 relate…
Consumer Health: Achieving Healthy Communities through Collaboration with Libraries
Submitted by Yingting Zhang, AHIP, Robert Wood Johnson Library of the Health Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey–New Brunswick; Zachary Taylor, Healthier Middlesex;…
PH/HA Travel Stipend Blog Post
Kathleen Amos was this year’s winner of the PH/HA Travel Stipend. Kathleen used the travel stipend to attend this year’s MLA conference. You can read all…
Chapter News: Hurricane Harvey: Voices from the Storm
Editor’s note: The following article was submitted, at our request, by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) South Central Region (SCR) office. Because…
Consumer Health: LibGuides on Disabilities That Have Accessibility in Mind
Edited by Christine Willis, AHIP There are many websites about different disabilities, but they are often not aggregated in one easy-to-find and easy-to-access place. The…
Steering MLA Members to Professional Success! The Education Strategic Goal Status Update
As Kevin Baliozian promised in a July MLA News article, here is an update on the Education Strategic Goal. Since the MLA Board created a…
Consumer Health: Comics in the Medical Library
Edited by Christine Willis “Comics are a gateway drug to literacy.” Art Spiegelman There is perhaps no better quote to illustrate the value of comics…
Medical Library Education: Data Science: Degree or No Degree?
Universities are quickly working to capitalize on the need for data scientists by either improving their existing programs or creating new programs. Data scientists can…
What Do Health Information Professionals Do? The Answer Is the Newly Revised MLA Competencies for Lifelong Learning and Professional Success
What do health information professionals do? The list of activities is long and varied and depends on specific job responsibilities. But what fundamental skill set…
Consumer Health: Reaching out to the “T”: A Medical Library’s Experience Providing Outreach and Consumer Health Resources to the Transgender Community
Submitted by Francisco J. Fajardo and Jorge E. Perez, Herbert Wertheim Medical Library, Florida International University–Miami; and Hector Perez-Gilbe, AHIP, Ayala Science Library, University of…
Medical Library Education: Quality Education No Matter the Modality
Recently, the president of the University of North Texas (UNT) invited a panel of three experts in the field of online education to share their…
Consumer Health: “I Saw It on the Internet”: A Trustworthy Resources Class for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Editor’s Note: With this column, the MLA News welcomes the new Consumer Health column editor, Christine Willis, Shepherd Center, Noble Learning Resource Center, Atlanta, GA.…