Am I Leaking Data Everywhere?
Like many others, I have jumped on the fitness tracking bandwagon with my FitBit firmly strapped to my wrist. I love charts and graphs, so…
Expert Searching: Myth, Magic, and Mystery in MeSH
Submitted by Kelly Farrah, AHIP, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), Ottawa, ON, Canada; edited by Melanie Norton, AHIP As the end…
Cancer Informatics and Tech companies
In recent years, major technologies companies such as Google and Microsoft have started large-scale data analytic research programmes to investigate the major diseases. Here are several…
Providing Hands-on Training with Bioinformatics Databases: A Collaboration Between VCU Libraries & Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research
Earlier this year, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries partnered with VCU’s Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research (Wright CCTR) to offer a bioinformatics database…
Expert Searching: A New Way to Access National Library of Medicine Training Materials
Submitted by Sarah Helson, Bibliographic Services Division, National Library of Medicine The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the new NLM Learning…
September 2016 News to Know…bytes and bits from around the social web
Analytics and Data From the Tableau blog, a guest post by Tableau Zen Master Jeffrey Shaffer (@HighVizAbility). In this post, Jeffrey shares to awesome Tableau…
eHealth Ontario on YouTube
eHealth Ontario is the Government of Ontario’s eHealth division. Ontario is the largest province in Canada by population. I would like to draw your attention…
Consumer Health: Public and Academic Libraries Partnering for Community Events about Mobile Health Resources
Submitted by Carolyn Schubert and Mark Lane, East Campus Library, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, and Susan Versen, Massanutten Regional Library, Harrisonburg, VA; edited by…
rapid and relevent information in the clinic setting
As a librarian-physician I am still trying to figure out my place in informatics. I have been interested for 15 years, beginning with some years…
July 2016 News to Know…bytes and bits from around the social web
This is the July installment of News to Know…bits and bytes from around the social web. The CMS Open Payments Data Explorer tool allows you…
The Data Discovery Bootcamp Challenge!
Truthfully, I was tired and not sure if I felt up to attending The Data Discovery Bootcamp Challenge! on the last morning of MLA 2016,…
eHealth 2016
Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend the annual eHealth conference organized by COACH: Canada’s health informatics organization. This year, the eHealth conference…
Expert Searching: The Yale MeSH Analyzer: A New Tool for Search Refinement
Submitted by Holly Grossetta Nardini and Lei Wang, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT; edited by Melanie Norton, AHIP Figure 1 When conducting…
MLA 2016 Tech Trends Roundup
If you missed the MLA Tech Trends in Toronto, here is a roundup to catch you up! Tiffany Grant – An Informatics Lab: A Collaborative…
NLM Georgia Biomedical Informatics Course – Spring 2016
I recently attended the 40th iteration of the National Library of Medicine’s Biomedical Informatics course at Brasstown Valley Resort in northern Georgia hosted by Augusta…
Informatics – An argument for rethinking its definition
This is a guest post from Samuel King, Assistant Professor, MCPHS University: Since the advent of informatics as a discipline, coming into its own during…
ONUP2016 in Toronto, Ontario
COACH, Canada’s health informatics association, held its annual Ontario-based conference, ONUP, in Toronto on April 4. Despite the unexpected snow fall, the conference was well…
Electronic Medical Record Challenge: Narrative in a bullet point world
I am a physician practicing primary care. I have worked with medical informatics professionals and vendors in my hospital system in Louisville, Kentucky…
Expert Searching: It’s complicated…
Submitted by Jeannine Gluck, AHIP, Library, Eastern Connecticut Health Network–Manchester; edited by Melanie Norton, AHIP In the ideal world, operative procedures are successful, patients have…
Consumer Health: Health Information Center Serving the Community
Submitted by Sandra Oelschlegel, AHIP, Preston Medical Library, University of Tennessee–Knoxville; edited by Jana C. Liebermann The Preston Medical Library at the University of Tennessee…