Introducing Life-Long Learning Skills in Patient Presentation in a Problem-Based Curriculum: The Case for Library Integration
Submitted by: Christopher P. Duffy, MLIS, AHIP, Margaret Dreker, MPA, MLS, Ofelia Martinez, MD, MPH, Tovah Tripp, MD, Joshua Josephs, MD, PhD, Miriam Hoffman, MD;…
Understanding the Currency of Trust in Health Literacy
Image source: Dr. Lisa On the Street…
Culinary Literacy Programs: Recipes for Success
Setting up and preparing for a virtual culinary literacy program making salsa and guacamole. Reading a recipe, knowing and understanding basic kitchen terms and…
Using Social Media to Correct Health Misinformation
Mass media and social networks have long played a role in the distribution of health information as people try to make sense of evolving research,…
Education: Unplugged Outreach
According to information found on the Trends page at the American Library Association’s website, the Internet age has birthed the notion of becoming temporarily “unplugged”…
Consumer Health: Improving Wikipedia through #CiteNLM Edit-a-Thons
Submitted by Elizabeth Waltman, Network of the National Library of Medicine, Southeastern/Atlantic Region, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland–Baltimore; edited by Heidi…
Education: Supervising and Managing
Education can take many forms and modes of instruction, including continuing education or professional development. Some types of education are arrived at empirically in the…
Innovation & Research Practice: Insomnia Coach App Review
The Insomnia Coach app is available for veterans, service members, anyone who has insomnia, or anyone who would like to improve their sleep. The app…
Consumer Health: Making It Local: Virtual Conversations Extend Community Outreach
Missy Creed, consumer health librarian at the Ohio State University Library for Health Information (LHI), has responded to the current challenge of being “out in…
Education: Statistics to the Rescue!
Like many MLA members, my colleagues and I use PubMed heavily in our teaching. Its breadth makes it relevant to almost every health discipline, and…
Consumer Health: Virtual Health Education during COVID-19
Due to COVID-19 and the stay at home order in the state of Florida beginning in March of this year, I realized there had to…
Consumer Health: Documenting a Pandemic through Comics
Submitted by Kathryn Houk, AHIP, Health Sciences Library, University of Nevada–Las Vegas; edited by Donald Pearson, AHIP Editor’s Note: Kathryn Houk, MLIS, AHIP, CHIS (she/hers),…
Education: Make That Transition from Face-to-Face to Virtual Instruction
Many health sciences librarians employed in academic institutions can come to feel pressured to enhance medical library education by offering online courses versus traditional face-to-face…
Consumer Health: Emotional Health in the Library: Part II: Emotional Labor
Miriam Matteson, associate professor at Kent State University,presented on emotional labor at theOhio Health Sciences Library Association Fall 2019 Meeting. In “Emotional Health in the…
Medical Library Education: Acronyms and Initialisms
Rooting out topics worthy of mention or of special significance to medical library education can be a challenging yet at the same time rewarding pursuit,…
Caucus News: Enhancing Patient Experience through Patient-Centered Library Services
Editor’s Note: Republished and edited with permission from the September 2019 Consumer Connections, volume 35, issue 3, pages 3–4. The Bedford Veterans Administration (VA) provides…
Expert Searching: Health Research Reporting Guidelines: Part 1 Introduction to Health Research Reporting Guidelines
Submitted by Helena VonVille, Health Sciences Library System, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; edited by Christy Tyson During a recent webinar on health research reporting…
Caucus News: Book Review
Editor’s Note: Republished and edited with permission from the September 2019 Consumer Connections, volume 35, issue 3, page 6. Elaine Birchall and Suzanne Cronkwright. Conquer…
Consumer Health: Emotional Health in the Library: Part I: Trauma-Informed Libraries
Meghan Harper, professor at Kent State University, presented a class on “Trauma-Informed Libraries.” Emotional and psychological health issues can be overlooked in service professions, both…
Expert Searching: PRESSForum for Peer Review of Search Strategies
Submitted by Rachel Couban, Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Pain Research and Care (IPRC), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; edited by Christy Tyson Recently, a…