Be Well Wednesday: Lighten Up! Using Humor to Boost Wellness and Joy at Work
Submitted by: Shannon D. JonesThe Be Well MLA Team invites all MLA members to join us for “Lighten Up! Using Humor to Boost Wellness and…
MLANET This week (10/24/24): What’s New, Reset Emails Blocked, and More
This Week Have you checked your transcript? Did we get it right? Review in MEDLIB-ED and submit a support ticket if you see anything missing.…
MLA Reads Book Discussion: Viral Justice by Ruha Benjamin
The MLA Reads Planning Team is excited to announce that our upcoming book discussion will feature Ruha Benjamin’s Viral Justice: How We Grow the World…
Assist Hypothesis in Crafting A Strategic Plan: Complete the SCOT Analysis
Submitted by: Margaret Hoogland Hypothesis is embarking on a Strategic Planning journey. In preparation, we are conducting a Strengths, Challenge (Yes, I swapped out weakness!),…
For MLA Members Interested in a Quick, Impactful Publication
We invite you to submit to “I Am MLA” and share your unique experiences, insights, and perspectives. The form is quick and easy, taking just 15-20…
Michelle Cawley Will Be Next Health Sciences Library Leader at UNC-Chapel Hill
Author: Jacob Thompson The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s University Libraries is pleased to announce the appointment of Michelle Cawley as associate University…
Marie Elias Named Interim Library Director
Marie I. Elias, MLS, AHIP, Associate Librarian of the Health Sciences Library at Montefiore Medical Center since 2007, has been named Interim Library Director, effective…
Ruth Riley Retirement
Ruth Riley, Assistant Dean for Executive Affairs and Director of Library Services, has announced her retirement effective June 3, 2024. Ruth has served as the…
Guest Post: Unveiling the Veil: A Call to Eradicate Publication Bias for a True Scientific Renaissance
By Johanna Hoyos, MSc. In the dynamic arena of scientific exploration, where the pursuit of knowledge shapes the future, a shadow lingers – publication bias.…
Legacy, Knowledge, Advocacy, and Grace: Mary M. Langman Retires as Director of Information Issues and Policy
Submitted by Susan Lessick, AHIP, FMLA, Founding Director, MLA Research Training Institute, Distinguished Librarian Emerita, University of California, Irvine. Mary M. Langman will retire as…
Finding Journals that Accept Case Reports Just Got Easier
Jumpstart your search for journals that accept case reports with this new list of over 1,000 journals spanning over 100 specialties. Curated by a team…
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA): Why & How?
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA): Why & How? This is a quick overview of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training. What is it? MHFA…
Be Well MLA – Real Love: Enabling Fierce Self-Compassion
The Be Well MLA initiative promotes wellness and well-being among members of the Medical Library Association. Every month, MLA members are invited to participate in…
CAPHIS Consumer Connections Newsletter
The Consumer and Patient Health Information Services (CAPHIS) Caucus publishes the peer-reviewed and CINAHL indexed Consumer Connections Newsletter (ISSN 15357821) twice a year. In it…
Advocating for Authorship: Librarians and Information Professionals as Authors on Evidence Synthesis Publications
This blog post was coauthored by Emily A. Brennan. Despite making significant intellectual contributions to systematic reviews and evidence synthesis publications, and meeting authorship criteria…
MLA Publishes New Guide to Systematic Reviews
Systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses have a vital role in summarizing the literature, exploring gaps in research, prioritizing new research, and providing literature to…
JMLA Goes All Digital in 2023
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) will only be available in digital formats starting with the 2023 editions. The decision was made collaboratively,…
Growing a Seed Library
By Brandon Patterson, Jennifer Macali, Gabrielle James, and Donna Baluchi Walk into the Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah and you’ll be…
Scholarly Snippets: A Collaborative Research Series Between Six College of Osteopathic Medicine Libraries
This blog post has multiple authors in addition to Joanne Mullenbach: Katie Hoskins, Kyle D. Robinson-California Health Sciences University; Molly Montgomery-Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine; Abbey…
MLA Welcomes New JMLA Co-Editors-in-Chief
The JMLA Editor-in-Chief Search Committee and MLA Board of Directors are pleased to announce the appointment of Jill T. Boruff, AHIP, Liaison Librarian, Schulich Library…