Introducing the Global Health & Health Equity Column!
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay.Welcome to the inaugural Global Health & Health Equity column! This column will cover hub activities and be a platform of…
Transition: Retiring the Social Media Column
The MLAConnect Editorial Board made the decision to retire the Social Media column at our last meeting. While I do not have the exact date…
Ending on a High Note: Top 10 Technology Articles
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Earlier last month, it was announced that a few of the MLAConnect columns will be retired to better align…
Technology: Teaching with JupyterHub
Submitted by Shirley Zhao and Jessi Van Der Volgen, AHIP, Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah–Salt Lake City; edited by Tony Nguyen, AHIP Jupyter…
Caucus News: Enhancing Patient Experience through Patient-Centered Library Services
Editor’s Note: Republished and edited with permission from the September 2019 Consumer Connections, volume 35, issue 3, pages 3–4. The Bedford Veterans Administration (VA) provides…
Caucus News: Book Review
Editor’s Note: Republished and edited with permission from the September 2019 Consumer Connections, volume 35, issue 3, page 6. Elaine Birchall and Suzanne Cronkwright. Conquer…
Have a Discussion about Plan S
Members of the International Cooperation Caucus may have heard of Plan S, but have your faculty and students? It’s a major change in scholarly communication,…
Technology: LibKey and LibKey Nomad
Submitted by Andrew Hickner on behalf of the MLA UX Caucus; edited by Tony Nguyen, AHIP Note: The purpose of the new MLA UX Caucus…
Celebrating 16th Biennial AHILA Congress in Nigeria
With partial support from the MLA ICS Reis Grant, I attended the 16th Biennial Congress for Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA)…
Consumer Health: Emotional Health in the Library: Part I: Trauma-Informed Libraries
Meghan Harper, professor at Kent State University, presented a class on “Trauma-Informed Libraries.” Emotional and psychological health issues can be overlooked in service professions, both…
Technology: New Tool Discovery: HubMed Citation Finder
Submitted by Kathryn Vela, AHIP, Evidence Synthesis Program, Portland VA Health Care System, Portland, OR; edited by Tony Nguyen, AHIP Earlier this week, I found…
Technology: The Virtual Reality Studio at Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences
Submitted by Dorothy C. Ogdon, Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences, University of Alabama–Birmingham; edited by Tony Nguyen, AHIP In February 2019, the University…
Medical Library Education: Celebrating Health Sciences Libraries!
Medical library education—and all forms of librarianship really—revolve around, as well as depend upon, the universal goodwill of core stakeholders to help foster positive patron…
Technology: Write for MLAConnect!
Have you been inspired by technology recently? Do you know of a new web resource or program that you would like to share with others?…
MLA October Webinar: Find the Light in a Grey Literature Search!
Being asked to do a grey literature search does not have to darken your mood. If you know how to identify the most valuable types…
Technology: and the Data Culture Project
Guest post written by Kiri Burcat, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Southeastern/Atlantic Region, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland–Baltimore; edited by…
Social Media: Back to It and Looking for Future Content!
Hi MLA! I just transitioned to a new position as the manager of research and instruction at the Countway Library of Medicine at Harvard University.…
Technology: Location-Based Storytelling with StoryMap
Guest post submitted by Jarrod Irwin, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Southeastern/Atlantic Region, Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland–Baltimore StoryMap, a…
Consumer Health: Plain Language Is Not for Dummies!
Editor’s Note: “Plain Language Is Not for Dummies!” by Ruti Volk, AHIP, was originally published in Consumer Connections, the Consumer and Patient Health Information Section…
Technology: Pew Research Center: Mobile Technology and Home Broadband 2019 Report
The Pew Research Center released the Mobile Technology and Home Broadband 2019 report [1]. This report is based on telephone interviews conducted January 8–February 7,…