Honoring Our Past
Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLAMany important and popular “firsts” took place in 1948. MLA celebrated its 50th anniversary. The first training program for…
Professional Development: Academy New Members or Members Renewing at a Higher Level
Congratulations to new members and members who have renewed at a higher level in the Academy of Health Information Professionals. This quarterly listing is based…
Medical Library Education: There Is No “I” in Team: The Importance of Teamwork
Submitted by Jodi L. Philbrick, Department of Library and Information Sciences, College of Information, University of North Texas–Denton On a recent visit to a Major…
Honoring Our Past
Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA MLA President Mildred C. Langner, AHIP, FMLA, reported on the association’s activities in 1966. Among the topics were…
MLA supports cures for patients
MLA and AAHSL have signed onto a community letter commending the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions’ (HELP) for its effort to draft legislation that…
Honoring Our Past
Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Ralph Esterquest, librarian of the Countway Library of Medicine, Boston Medical Library, and Harvard University Medical School, outlined…
Submitted by Donald Welch New Fellowship Opportunities at NYAM Two fellowships to pursue study and research in the history of medicine open in June at…
Using *Your* Words: Professional Competencies
MLA President Michelle Kraft gets in on the action Over 100 people attended the open forum, “Revitalizing the Professional Competencies for Lifelong Learning” in…
MLA and AAHSL support NLM funding
MLA and the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) have recommended that the National Library of Medicine (NLM) receive $394 million in funding for Fiscal Year…
MLA comments on a strategic vision for the National Library of Medicine
MLA has submitted comments and recommendations that recognize the critical support the National Library of Medicine (NLM) provides to the health sciences library community and others.…
MLA and AAHSL applaud proposed changes to ClinicalTrials procedures
MLA, the Cancer Libraries Section of MLA, and the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) enthusiastically support efforts by the National Institutes of Health…