• Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLAIn 1946, Dorathea W. Friedrich wrote an article on “The Effect of the War upon Medical Libraries and Their…

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  • FYI

    Submitted by Donald Welch Medical MOOCs If getting conversant, maybe even erudite, on a topic is something desired, then going to one of a number…

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  • MLA’s Oral History Project

    Submitted by Annie M. Hughes Thompson, Chair, Oral History Committee In 1977, the Oral History Project of MLA was launched to capture and preserve the…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Many important and popular “firsts” took place in 1948. MLA celebrated its 50th anniversary. The first training program…

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  • Professional Development: Academy New Members or Members Renewing at a Higher Level

    Congratulations to new members and members who have renewed at a higher level in the Academy of Health Information Professionals. This quarterly listing is based…

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  • Medical Library Education: There Is No “I” in Team: The Importance of Teamwork

    Submitted by Jodi L. Philbrick, Department of Library and Information Sciences, College of Information, University of North Texas–Denton On a recent visit to a Major…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA MLA President Mildred C. Langner, AHIP, FMLA, reported on the association’s activities in 1966. Among the topics were…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Ralph Esterquest, librarian of the Countway Library of Medicine, Boston Medical Library, and Harvard University Medical School, outlined…

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  • FYI

    Submitted by Donald Welch New Fellowship Opportunities at NYAM Two fellowships to pursue study and research in the history of medicine open in June at…

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  • Using *Your* Words: Professional Competencies

    MLA President Michelle Kraft gets in on the action   Over 100 people attended the open forum, “Revitalizing the Professional Competencies for Lifelong Learning” in…

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