Global Health & Health Equity: Assisting Clinicians in Addressing Human Trafficking
Written by Amy Sharpe, Sharp HealthCare, and Founder and Cochair, Health Subcommittee, San Diego Human Trafficking & Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Advisory Council,…
Personals: Erin E. Reardon, AHIP, Joins the University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library
Erin E. Reardon, AHIP, recently joined the Bio-Medical Library, University of Minnesota–Minneapolis, as one of four librarians working with the Medical School. As a liaison…
Personals: Retirement of Donna B. Flake, AHIP, FMLA
Donna B. Flake, AHIP, FMLA, retired from her job as library director of the South East Area Health Education Center (SEAHEC) Medical Library in Wilmington,…
2019 Novel Coronavirus Information
International Cooperation Caucus officers have gathered a few key links to information about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus infection. CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus WHO Novel Coronavirus…
Introducing the Global Health & Health Equity Column!
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay. Welcome to the inaugural Global Health & Health Equity column! This column will cover hub activities and be a platform…
Personals: Joyce Backus Honored with Diversity and Inclusion Lecture
Some readers may know that National Library of Medicine (NLM) Associate Director for Library Operations Joyce Backus will be “taking the leap” and retiring on…
Personals: Retirement of Sandra Irene Martin, AHIP
Sandra Irene Martin, AHIP, director of the Shiffman Medical Library and Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Learning Resources Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, retired in…
Personals: Karen Bontekoe Recognized as Employee of the Month
Karen Bontekoe, Kaweah Delta Health Sciences Library, Kaweah Delta Health Care District, Visalia, CA, was honored as the district’s Employee of the Month in December…
Have a Discussion about Plan S
Members of the International Cooperation Caucus may have heard of Plan S, but have your faculty and students? It’s a major change in scholarly communication,…
Rachel F. Fenske Reflects on Receiving the 2019 Michael E. DeBakey Library Services Outreach Award
From left to right: Patricia Brennan, Rachel F. Fenske, Carla J. Funk. Each year, the Friends of the National Library of Medicine honor recipients of…
Celebrating 16th Biennial AHILA Congress in Nigeria
With partial support from the MLA ICS Reis Grant, I attended the 16th Biennial Congress for Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA)…
Personals: UAMS Library Announces New Library Director, Lisa Smith
The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Library is pleased to announce that Lisa Smith has accepted the position of library director for the…
Personals: Jessica A. Garsed: Jeopardy! Champion
Jessica Garsed is the librarian for the Veterans Affairs Maine Health Care System–Togus. Garsed was a three-time (night) Jeopardy! champion in October. Garsed plans to…
Personals: Lindsay E. Blake, AHIP, Receives the NNLM SCR 2019 Emerging Leader Award
The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region (NNLM SCR), is proud to announce that Lindsay E. Blake, AHIP, UAMS Library, University of…
Personals: Joyce Backus to Retire
Joyce Backus began her career at the National Library of Medicine (NLM) as graduate student thirty-six years ago and, after careful consideration, decided to retire…
MLA October Webinar: Find the Light in a Grey Literature Search!
Being asked to do a grey literature search does not have to darken your mood. If you know how to identify the most valuable types…
Honoring Our Past
Reading about the passing of Donald A. B. Lindberg, former director of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), is a reminder of the commitment to…
Personals: New Position for Sarah Towner Wright at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
Sarah Towner Wright is School of Medicine librarian and clinical team lead at the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina (UNC)–Chapel Hill.…
Congratulations to Rachel Fenske – Recipient of the 2019 Michael E. DeBakey Library Services Outreach Award!
Congratulations to Rachel Fenske, Information Services and Outreach Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Biomedical Library, University of South Alabama. She is the recipient of the 2019 Michael…
Presenting at EAHIL in Basel, Switzerland with the MLA ICS Reis Grant
The European Association of Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) held a fantastic conference in Basel, Switzerland from June 17th-20th with the theme of Bridge, Act, SharE,…