Section News: 2019 Research Section Research Awards
Congratulations to the winning research papers and posters from MLA ’19!The MLA Research Section is pleased to announce the winners for best research papers and…
Assessment Strategies for Understanding and Retention
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Whether you are in a classroom, in a health care setting, or out working with the public, clear communication…
An Evolving Resource: CAPHIS’s Most Trusted Health Websites
If you are a member of MLA’s Consumer and Patient Health Information Section (CAPHIS), the phrase “top 100” probably means something very different to you…
ELEVATED and Connected – PH/HA Travel Stipend Recap
The 2019 MLA Annual Meeting centered the conversations around improving support and services and growing the profession. The theme this year was ELEVATE, and that reflected…
Open Educational Resources: What you need to know
What is OER? Open educational resources [OER] are digitized materials that are free or very low cost to students. They can be textbooks, videos, case…
Vaccine hesitancy in the news
As all of us surely are aware, there is an increasing incidence of vaccine preventable infectious disease around the world – pertussis, varicella, measles,…
Congratulations to the 2019 RTI Fellows!
MLA is pleased to announce the 2019 Research Training Institute (RTI) Fellows! The fellows will attend the RTI in Chicago from July 15–19, 2019. Our…
FYI: A Helping of Libraries Helping
Much about the success of libraries and librarians not only to disseminate health care information, but also to implement solutions has been heralded here in…
Springing forward with MIS – intro
Good afternoon everyone, The MIS leaders invite all members to participate in a new challenge: Springing forward with MIS. This challenge is very similar to…
International Toxicity Estimates of Risk
In addition to being the liaison to the Masters in Public Health program at MSU, I’m also the liaison to the Department of Pharmacology and…
Join the PH/HA Meeting Jan. 14, 2019
A number of things that affect PH/HA have come up recently. We therefore are holding an online PH/HA Section meeting on Monday, January 14, 2019…
The National Guidelines Clearinghouse Returns—as the ECRI Guidelines Trust
Editor’s Note: This article was originally posted in the Public Health/Health Administration (PH/HA) Section’s PH/HA Libraries blog. The MLA News is releasing an updated version…
The National Guidelines Clearinghouse Returns – as the ECRI Guidelines Trust
This month’s blog will discuss the revival of the National Guidelines Clearinghouse and its redevelopment into the ECRI Guidelines Trust at As most of you know,…
RTI Fellows Share Experiences at NNLM MCR Webinar
Liz Kellermeyer and Alicia Lillich, 2018 Research Training Institute (RTI) fellows and members of the MidContinental Region (MCR) of the National Network of Libraries of…
RTI Fellow Shares Experience in Blog
Elizabeth Suelzer, 2018 Research Training Institute (RTI) fellow, recently participated in the RTI program in Chicago and shared her experience for the Wisconsin Health Sciences…
Case Law for Public Health
A person’s environment and the actions that person takes both affect their overall health. Public health legislation shapes the public health environment. Laws regulate what…
Quantification and Peer Review: Possible Impacts of New Peer Review Tracker
I recently went to a meeting with a vendor representative from Clarivate Analytics (the company that owns Web of Science, among other widely used resources).…
Visualizing the Research Topics of 2018 Research Training Institute Applicants
As part of the 2018 application process for the Research Training Institute (RTI), applicants submitted a list of keywords or phrases that describe the topics…
2018 PH/HA Research Awardee – Rosie Hanneke
The Public Health/Health Administration Section (PH/HA) presented the 2018 PH/HA Research Award to Rosie Hanneke, Assistant Professor and Information Services Librarian at UIC Library…