I Am MLA: Sarah Wade
Submitted by: Sarah WadeName: Sarah WadeInstitution: Campbell University School of Osteopathic MedicineTitle: Medical LibrarianBrief description of what you do/your responsibilities at your institution:I work in…
I Am MLA: Chloe Hough
Submitted by Chloe Hough Name: Chloe Hough Institution: University of Florida, Health Science Center Libraries Title: Health Sciences Liaison Librarian Brief description of what you…
MLANET This week (10/24/24): What’s New, Reset Emails Blocked, and More
This Week Have you checked your transcript? Did we get it right? Review in MEDLIB-ED and submit a support ticket if you see anything missing.…
Assist Hypothesis in Crafting A Strategic Plan: Complete the SCOT Analysis
Submitted by: Margaret Hoogland Hypothesis is embarking on a Strategic Planning journey. In preparation, we are conducting a Strengths, Challenge (Yes, I swapped out weakness!),…
For MLA Members Interested in a Quick, Impactful Publication
We invite you to submit to “I Am MLA” and share your unique experiences, insights, and perspectives. The form is quick and easy, taking just 15-20…
Guest Post: Unveiling the Veil: A Call to Eradicate Publication Bias for a True Scientific Renaissance
By Johanna Hoyos, MSc. In the dynamic arena of scientific exploration, where the pursuit of knowledge shapes the future, a shadow lingers – publication bias.…
Advocating for Authorship: Librarians and Information Professionals as Authors on Evidence Synthesis Publications
This blog post was coauthored by Emily A. Brennan. Despite making significant intellectual contributions to systematic reviews and evidence synthesis publications, and meeting authorship criteria…
JMLA Goes All Digital in 2023
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) will only be available in digital formats starting with the 2023 editions. The decision was made collaboratively,…
Growing a Seed Library
By Brandon Patterson, Jennifer Macali, Gabrielle James, and Donna Baluchi Walk into the Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah and you’ll be…
The Librarian’s Role in Evidence-Based Practice
Authors: Amanda Davis, MPH, RDN, CHES, Manager, Value Institute, MUSC Health, davisam@musc.edu Emily Brennan, MLIS, Research & Education Informationist, MUSC Libraries, brennane@musc.edu Debra Trogdon-Livingston, MLS,…
Scholarly Snippets: A Collaborative Research Series Between Six College of Osteopathic Medicine Libraries
This blog post has multiple authors in addition to Joanne Mullenbach: Katie Hoskins, Kyle D. Robinson-California Health Sciences University; Molly Montgomery-Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine; Abbey…
MLA Welcomes New JMLA Co-Editors-in-Chief
The JMLA Editor-in-Chief Search Committee and MLA Board of Directors are pleased to announce the appointment of Jill T. Boruff, AHIP, Liaison Librarian, Schulich Library…
MLA Scholarly Communications Caucus Hosts Successful Shop Talk Series
Thanks to the creativity and curiosity of its members, the recently formed Scholarly Communications Caucus successfully hosted a monthly “Shop Talk Series” from October 2021…
Overview of Citation Software: Pros, Cons, and Best Uses
By Sarah Jackson Citation programs are a common feature of library instruction, helping users to manage difficult and cumbersome projects. Four programs are particularly common…
The UX Caucus Database Tips Blog
By Kate Saylor and Andy Hickner The User Experience (UX) Caucus recently launched a new Database Tips blog. The project began in February 2021 when…
New Ed-Tech Apps to Try This Year
It is a new year and a great time to try out new technology! One of the few good things to come out of the…
VA Chaplains Virtually Connect Veterans in the ICU with Their Families
This is an edited version of an article that was originally published here: https://blogs.va.gov/VAntage/83907/va-chaplains-virtually-connect-veterans-icu/. A few weeks ago, a veteran in an intensive care unit…
New Name, Clearer Mission: The Health Equity & Global Health Domain Hub
Hello MLA members! We are very happy to reintroduce ourselves as the Health Equity & Global Health Domain Hub. While the change may seem subtle—flipping…
JMLA Editor-in-Chief Transitions to New Role
Please thank Katherine Akers for her service to MLA as she steps down from the role of JMLA editor-in-chief and transitions to a new career outside medical…
New Research Shows Involvement of a Librarian Is Associated with More Reproducible Searches and Improved Methodological Reporting in Dental Medicine Systematic Reviews
By Jamie Bloss, Jana Schellinger, and Kerry Sewell The production of systematic reviews (SRs) has steadily increased since the 1990s, but the increase in the number…