• MLA and AAHSL affirm need to protect human subjects in research

    The Medical Library Association (MLA) and Association of Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) have commented on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Proposed Rule, Federal Policy for…

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  • Congress passes stop-gap funding

    Today, the House and Senate passed legislation that will fund the government through December 11th, just hours before the start of the new fiscal year.…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA One of the papers presented at the MLA annual meeting in 1967 caused lots of comment and discussion.…

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  • MLA supports the FY 2016 budget

    MLA has joined 2,500 organizations in sending a letter to Congress urging: that sequestration be replaced with a balanced approach to deficit reduction; and that sequestration…

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  • Expert Searching: The Outer Bull

    Submitted by Daniel Wilson, Associate Director, Collections & Library Services, and Library Liaison for the School of Nursing, Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, University of…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Have you ever wondered what worried librarians fifty years ago? The issues facing library professionals were described by…

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  • MLA and AAHSL weigh in on the NIH-wide Strategic Plan

    MLA and the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) have submitted comments and recommendations to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on a framework for…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA In 1961, MLA announced the establishment of a central office with Helen Brown Schmidt as executive secretary. In…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Nineteen forty-three was a year of celebration. It was the quatercentenary of the publication of Vesalius’s Fabrica and…

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  • Expert Searching: Patient, Intervention, Control, and Outcome (PICO): An Overrated Tool

    Submitted by Wichor M. Bramer, Medical Library, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; edited by I. Diane Cooper, AHIP Many searches start with…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA MEDLARS was a magical word in the 1960s. The idea that a machine could produce a bibliography with…

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  • MLA Historical Marker to Be Installed in Philadelphia

    Submitted by June H. Fulton, FMLA, and Daniel Kipnis, Philadelphia Regional Chapter of MLA During 2015, its 117th anniversary year, MLA will celebrate a novel…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA In 1946, Dorathea W. Friedrich wrote an article on “The Effect of the War upon Medical Libraries and…

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  • MLA’s Oral History Project

    Submitted by Annie M. Hughes Thompson, Chair, Oral History Committee In 1977, the Oral History Project of MLA was launched to capture and preserve the…

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  • Internet Resources: Freely Available Medical Images

    Submitted by Andrea C. Kepsel, AHIP, Libraries, Michigan State University−East Lansing; edited by Talicia Tarver Finding medical images freely available online can be difficult. Often…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Many important and popular “firsts” took place in 1948. MLA celebrated its 50th anniversary. The first training program…

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  • Expert Searching: Explosions in PubMed: What Google Doesn’t Do

    Submitted by Eric Rumsey and Janna C. Lawrence, AHIP, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, University of Iowa–Iowa City, and Chris Shaffer, AHIP, Library, Oregon…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA MLA President Mildred C. Langner, AHIP, FMLA, reported on the association’s activities in 1966. Among the topics were…

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  • MLA supports cures for patients

    MLA and AAHSL have signed onto a community letter commending the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions’ (HELP) for its effort to draft legislation that…

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  • Honoring Our Past

    Submitted by Lucretia W. McClure, AHIP, FMLA Ralph Esterquest, librarian of the Countway Library of Medicine, Boston Medical Library, and Harvard University Medical School, outlined…

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