MLA and AAHSL Recommend NLM FY 2018 Funding
The Medical Library Association (MLA) and Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries have recommended that the National Library of Medicine receive at least $412,097,000 in FY…
Expert Searching: Animal Experimentation, Compliance, and Literature Searching
Submitted by Melissa Funaro and Kate Nyhan, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT; edited by Melanie Norton, AHIP According to the Animal Welfare…
International News
Innovative health partnership prevents library closures Funding cuts are a common and challenging reality for many libraries. To overcome the budgetary challenge, public libraries in…
Legislative Task Force Goes to the Hill
Front Row (left to right): M.J. Tooey (MD), Ruth Riley (SC), Mary Langman (IL), Susan Clark (MS), Irma Ivette Quinones (PR), Neville Prendergast (LA). Back…
Expert Searching: Strategies for Locating Resident Education Information in PubMed
Submitted by Anna Krampl and Carolann Lee Curry, Skelton Medical Library, Mercer University, Macon, GA; edited by Melanie Norton Locating comprehensive references related to residency…
Best Practices: Retractions: An Annual Update on Ethical Misconduct in Research and Publishing
Submitted by Kelly Evans, Library, and Frank Houghton, Department of Public Health and Health Administration, Eastern Washington University–Spokane “To make a deliberate falsification for personal…
Expert Searching: Cancer Stage Searching
Edited by Melanie Norton, AHIP Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) defines NEOPLASM STAGING as “methods which attempt to express in replicable terms the extent of the…
International News
IFLA engages fifty countries to promote libraries’ role in sustainable development As a part of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) International…
Expert Searching: Going Beyond the Low Hanging Fruit
Submitted by Rebecca O’Kelly Davis, Jennifer Ann Wilson Dental Library, University of Southern California–Los Angeles; edited by Melanie Norton As a teaching librarian, I am…
International News
Free website enhances medical education globally As the millennial generation enters medical school, educators are presented with new challenges. Among the challenges is the issue…
MLA AAHSL comments NIH data strategies
The Medical Library Association (MLA) and Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) have filed [Link removed (comments)] with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that…
MLA AAHSL comments NLM strategic plan
The Medical Library Association and Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries have submitted comments in support of the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) Strategic Plan. The…
Fiscal Year 2017 Funding Update
Congress has passed a stopgap spending bill (also known as a continuing resolution) to keep the government running through April 28th. H.R. 2028, the Further…
OSTP Records Progress on Science, Technology, and Innovation
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has released its “Exit Memo,” highlighting the impact President Obama’s policies have had on science…
Cures Act Becomes Law
In signing into law the 21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 34) President Obama noted its important contribution to his agenda for science and technology, specifically the…
Librarians without Borders® HINARI and Internet Resources Workshop Report Bhutan: September 5-8, 2016
Bhutan (September 5-6 and 7-8, 2016) Two 2-day workshops were conducted at Keysar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences, Bhutan. They were supported by the World…
Librarians Without Borders® HINARI/Health on the Internet Resources Workshop Report: June 17, 2016
HINARI/Health on the Internet Resources Workshop, Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea (June 13-17, 2016) This five day workshop was conducted at the Provincial Health Authority/Mt.…
An experience at Bracken Health Science Library – forth week
Time flies! It’s the last week of my visit in Bracken and also a short week (Monday was the Thanksgiving Holiday in Canada). This week…
An experience at Bracken Health Science Library – third week
It’s the third week I have been here. I got more time to talk with Bracken’s librarians one-on-one during this week. Sarah, a librarian…
Expert Searching: Myth, Magic, and Mystery in MeSH
Submitted by Kelly Farrah, AHIP, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH), Ottawa, ON, Canada; edited by Melanie Norton, AHIP As the end…