I Am MLA: Sarah Wade
Submitted by: Sarah WadeName: Sarah WadeInstitution: Campbell University School of Osteopathic MedicineTitle: Medical LibrarianBrief description of what you do/your responsibilities at your institution:I work in…
MLA ‘25 Call for Proposals Round 2: Lightning Talks and Posters
Submitted by: Emily Brennan The MLA ’25 National Program Committee (NPC) invites proposals that support the annual meeting theme “Bridging Tradition & Innovation.” The MLA…
I Am MLA: Chloe Hough
Submitted by Chloe Hough Name: Chloe Hough Institution: University of Florida, Health Science Center Libraries Title: Health Sciences Liaison Librarian Brief description of what you…
Submit Your Award Nominations – Deadline Extended to December 6
The association proudly recognizes members who have significantly contributed to health sciences librarianship and advanced the goals of the Medical Library Association. By nominating your…
For MLA Members Interested in a Quick, Impactful Publication
We invite you to submit to “I Am MLA” and share your unique experiences, insights, and perspectives. The form is quick and easy, taking just 15-20…
Finding Journals that Accept Case Reports Just Got Easier
Jumpstart your search for journals that accept case reports with this new list of over 1,000 journals spanning over 100 specialties. Curated by a team…
Student Engagement AND Assessment in the Virtual Library Classroom? Google Forms to the Rescue!
By Lily Martin, MLIS, Reference & Instruction Librarian, Levy Library at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Samantha Walsh, MLS, MA, Hunter College…
MLA Publishes New Guide to Systematic Reviews
Systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses have a vital role in summarizing the literature, exploring gaps in research, prioritizing new research, and providing literature to…
A Little Off-Center: Writing Support in a Medical Library
Writing centers are a common feature on college campuses, offering students the opportunity to work with a writing consultant to simultaneously refine a particular project…
Overview of Citation Software: Pros, Cons, and Best Uses
By Sarah Jackson Citation programs are a common feature of library instruction, helping users to manage difficult and cumbersome projects. Four programs are particularly common…
Peer-to-Peer Instruction
At a time when library budgets are not as healthy as in years past, increased efficiency can be vital to continued library growth and success.…
Developing a Medical Library Instruction Program
This article was originally published in the Nursing and Allied Health Resources and Services Caucus Newsletter (Vol. 41, No. 4, October 2021). I want to…
Introducing Life-Long Learning Skills in Patient Presentation in a Problem-Based Curriculum: The Case for Library Integration
Submitted by: Christopher P. Duffy, MLIS, AHIP, Margaret Dreker, MPA, MLS, Ofelia Martinez, MD, MPH, Tovah Tripp, MD, Joshua Josephs, MD, PhD, Miriam Hoffman, MD;…
What’s the Scoop on Scoping Reviews?
Introduction Have you come across scoping reviews in your work? Are you being asked to contribute to scoping reviews? If not, you might want to…
Culinary Literacy Programs: Recipes for Success
Setting up and preparing for a virtual culinary literacy program making salsa and guacamole. Reading a recipe, knowing and understanding basic kitchen terms and…
Education: Supervising and Managing
Education can take many forms and modes of instruction, including continuing education or professional development. Some types of education are arrived at empirically in the…
Innovation & Research Practice: Let’s Stop Reinventing the Wheel: Locating and Evaluating Existing Systematic and Rapid Reviews on COVID-19 Topics
There has been much discussion over the past few weeks about the deluge of research on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) topics. As we seek to…
Education: Make That Transition from Face-to-Face to Virtual Instruction
Many health sciences librarians employed in academic institutions can come to feel pressured to enhance medical library education by offering online courses versus traditional face-to-face…
Medical Library Education: Acronyms and Initialisms
Rooting out topics worthy of mention or of special significance to medical library education can be a challenging yet at the same time rewarding pursuit,…
Medical Library Education: Design Thinking
Librarians who are engaged in medical library education are often called upon to provide instruction on a host of topics in various surroundings before diverse…