Get your Proposals Ready for MLA ’25: Review the Tips!
The MLA ‘25 Contributed Content Workgroup (CCWG) has put together tips for submitting a contributed paper or immersion session for presentation at MLA ’25: Bridging…
MLA ’24 Designer Wins Silver MUSE Award
While the National Program Committee (NPC) for each MLA conference selects speakers, contributed content, and theme, it’s the design experts in MCI that contribute their…
Period Power!
Leiter Lecturer Nadya Okamoto will discuss health information in underserved communities, health disparities, gender identity, and how she founded PERIOD. the Menstrual Movement. Nadya Okamoto…
Announcing Nadya Okamoto as Featured Speaker at MLA ’19 | Elevate!
MLA is pleased to announce that Nadya Okamoto will be the featured 2019 Joseph Leiter National Library of Medicine (NLM)/MLA Lecturer during MLA ’19 in…