Pediatric Librarians Caucus History
Edited by Christine WillisIn celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary, we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are available…
Osteopathic Libraries Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary, we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
New Members Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary, we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
LGBTQIA+ Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary, we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
Thank You for Hosting the 2020-2023 Fellows of the Cunningham Memorial International Fellowship at Your Institutions!
The International Cooperation Caucus expresses our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all the libraries who hosted the 2020-2023 Fellows for the Cunningham Memorial International Fellowship prior to their attendance…
Hospital Libraries Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary, we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
Health Humanities Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary, we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
In Her Own Words: Beverly Elizabeth Allen’s Published Oral History
Submitted by Sally Gore, Co-chair and Teresa L. Knott, AHIP, FMLA, Co-chair, MLA History Committee During MLA’s 125th anniversary year, we celebrate leaders who have…
Federal Libraries Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
Data Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary, we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
Consumer and Patient Health Information Services Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary, we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
Collection Development Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
Clinical Librarians and Evidence-Based Healthcare Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
Animal and Veterinary Information Specialist Caucus
In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are available on MLANET. Q:…
Academic Librarians Caucus History
Edited by Christine Willis In celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are…
Welcome 2020-2023 Cunningham Memorial International Fellows
The Medical Library Association (MLA), The International Cooperation Caucus (ICC), and the ICC Cunningham Fellowship Itinerary Committee are thrilled to welcome our 2020-2023 Cunningham Memorial…
History of the Hawaii Pacific Chapter
The Hawaii Regional Medical Library Group, Inc. first formed in October, 1969 after five librarians petitioned the Medical Library Association to form a regional group.…
Dental Caucus History
The first MLA paper on a dental topic titled “Making a Dental Library Active” was presented at the 1924 MLA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL…
Women Who Inspire Us
“Celebrating Women Who Tell Stories” is the 2023 theme for National Women’s History Month. Women have played a prominent role throughout MLA’s history, furthering our…
Pacific Northwest Chapter History
Edited by: Suzanne Fricke The Pacific Northwest Chapter (PNC) of MLA first formed in 1953 as the Pacific Northwest Regional Group, made up initially of…