Announcing Peer Coaches for 2023 Research Training Institute
The Research Training Institute (RTI) team is pleased to announce the new peer coaches for the 2023 RTI online program: Andy Hickner, Christi Piper, Erin…
Pacific Northwest Chapter History
Edited by: Suzanne Fricke The Pacific Northwest Chapter (PNC) of MLA first formed in 1953 as the Pacific Northwest Regional Group, made up initially of…
RTI Research Spotlight: New Evaluation Rubric Helps Identify Point-of-Care Tools Based On Nurses’ Information Needs
Healthcare professionals need accurate information to best care for their patients and they need it quickly. Recent years have seen the rise of tools that…
Caucus/Chapter Histories: Public Services Caucus
Edited by Sally Gore, MS, MS LIS, MLA History Committee, and 125-Year Retrospective Task Force Today’s Public Services Caucus began around 1978 as the Bibliographic…
Advocating for Authorship: Librarians and Information Professionals as Authors on Evidence Synthesis Publications
This blog post was coauthored by Emily A. Brennan. Despite making significant intellectual contributions to systematic reviews and evidence synthesis publications, and meeting authorship criteria…
JMLA Goes All Digital in 2023
The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) will only be available in digital formats starting with the 2023 editions. The decision was made collaboratively,…
Growing a Seed Library
By Brandon Patterson, Jennifer Macali, Gabrielle James, and Donna Baluchi Walk into the Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah and you’ll be…
You’re Invited! RTI Drop-In Session December 9
Last week, MLA’s Research Training Institute Fellowship Program held an informational Open Forum to provide an overview of the program and answer questions. The November…
Product Spotlight: Cabells Journalytics Medicine & Predatory Reports: Manage Your Publishing Risks and Opportunities (Sponsored)
The past few years have shown us how critical medical research is to our worldwide health and prosperity. Now, more than ever, it’s vital to…
Update from the MLA/RTI Value Studies Working Group
Since 2016, the Evidence You Can Use To Communicate Library Value page on the MLA site has highlighted studies that demonstrate the tremendous value health sciences…
Heather Moberly joins The Pennsylvania State University as the Agricultural and Veterinary Librarian
Please join me in wishing Heather Moberly well in her new role with The Pennsylvania State University at the University Park campus as the Agricultural…
Amanda J. Wilson appointed Deputy Associate Director for Library Operations, National Library of Medicine
National Library of Medicine Associate Director for Library Operations Dianne Babski has announced the appointment of Amanda J. Wilson, as Deputy Associate Director for Library Operations.…
Appointment of Kristine Markovich Alpi, MLS, MPH, PhD, FMLA, AHIP, as Associate Dean of Libraries and Information Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine
Kristine Markovich Alpi, MLS, MPH, PhD, FMLA, AHIP, has been appointed to the position of Associate Dean of Libraries and Information Sciences for the Icahn…
RTI Fellow Michelle Nielsen Ott Awarded 2022 Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year!
Michelle Nielsen Ott, Sciences/Health Sciences Librarian at Cullom-Davis Library at Bradley University, is the 2022 recipient of the Illinois Library Association (ILA) Illinois Academic Librarian…
Scholarly Snippets: A Collaborative Research Series Between Six College of Osteopathic Medicine Libraries
This blog post has multiple authors in addition to Joanne Mullenbach: Katie Hoskins, Kyle D. Robinson-California Health Sciences University; Molly Montgomery-Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine; Abbey…
Product Spotlight: SLACK Journals Select: The Key to Content Your Way (Sponsored)
SLACK Journals Select is the latest iteration in content creation from SLACK Journals, a publisher providing specialty journals with impact since 1962. With this program,…
Announcing Steve Wilson as Michael E. DeBakey Librarian Outreach Award Recipient
I’m very pleased and proud to share the news that Steve Wilson, our Web Architect & Outreach Librarian, has been selected to receive the Michael E.…
RTI Research Spotlight: Research Capacity of Hospital Librarians: Differences and Impact
Research is the cornerstone of academic inquiry — the twain go together like every book and its reader; literature and searching; citing and sources; information…
Re-introducing Hypothesis as the research journal for health information professionals
For 40 years the MLA Research Caucus has been encouraging and promoting health sciences librarianship research. In 2003, Hypothesis changed its name to become the…
MLA Welcomes New JMLA Co-Editors-in-Chief
The JMLA Editor-in-Chief Search Committee and MLA Board of Directors are pleased to announce the appointment of Jill T. Boruff, AHIP, Liaison Librarian, Schulich Library…