Academic Librarians Caucus History
Edited by Christine WillisIn celebration of MLA’s 125th anniversary we will be sharing caucus and chapter histories throughout the year. Previously published histories are available…
History of the Hawaii Pacific Chapter
The Hawaii Regional Medical Library Group, Inc. first formed in October, 1969 after five librarians petitioned the Medical Library Association to form a regional group.…
Dental Caucus History
The first MLA paper on a dental topic titled “Making a Dental Library Active” was presented at the 1924 MLA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL…
Women Who Inspire Us
“Celebrating Women Who Tell Stories” is the 2023 theme for National Women’s History Month. Women have played a prominent role throughout MLA’s history, furthering our…
Announcing Peer Coaches for 2023 Research Training Institute
The Research Training Institute (RTI) team is pleased to announce the new peer coaches for the 2023 RTI online program: Andy Hickner, Christi Piper, Erin…
Pacific Northwest Chapter History
Edited by: Suzanne Fricke The Pacific Northwest Chapter (PNC) of MLA first formed in 1953 as the Pacific Northwest Regional Group, made up initially of…
RTI Research Spotlight: New Evaluation Rubric Helps Identify Point-of-Care Tools Based On Nurses’ Information Needs
Healthcare professionals need accurate information to best care for their patients and they need it quickly. Recent years have seen the rise of tools that…
Caucus/Chapter Histories: Public Services Caucus
Edited by Sally Gore, MS, MS LIS, MLA History Committee, and 125-Year Retrospective Task Force Today’s Public Services Caucus began around 1978 as the Bibliographic…
You’re Invited! RTI Drop-In Session December 9
Last week, MLA’s Research Training Institute Fellowship Program held an informational Open Forum to provide an overview of the program and answer questions. The November…
Update from the MLA/RTI Value Studies Working Group
Since 2016, the Evidence You Can Use To Communicate Library Value page on the MLA site has highlighted studies that demonstrate the tremendous value health sciences…
RTI Fellow Michelle Nielsen Ott Awarded 2022 Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year!
Michelle Nielsen Ott, Sciences/Health Sciences Librarian at Cullom-Davis Library at Bradley University, is the 2022 recipient of the Illinois Library Association (ILA) Illinois Academic Librarian…
RTI Research Spotlight: Research Capacity of Hospital Librarians: Differences and Impact
Research is the cornerstone of academic inquiry — the twain go together like every book and its reader; literature and searching; citing and sources; information…
Re-introducing Hypothesis as the research journal for health information professionals
For 40 years the MLA Research Caucus has been encouraging and promoting health sciences librarianship research. In 2003, Hypothesis changed its name to become the…
RTI Research Spotlight: Wikipedia Editing: Improving Information Literacy and Social Responsibility of Medical Students
Wikipedia. Love it or hate it, did you know that there is a robust community of editors editing Wikipedia’s health-related content and that it is…
RTI Fellow Awarded Grant to Study Research Attitudes of Osteopathic Medical Students
Molly Montgomery, director of library services, Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine, was awarded an internal research grant through the Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine Start-Up…
Congratulations to the RTI ’22 Fellows!
MLA is pleased to announce the 2022 Research Training Institute (RTI) fellows! The RTI ’22 online program is a successful, immersive research training program that…
RTI Research Spotlight: MLS Student Perceptions of Graduate Employment
Despite the general consensus that field experience during library school is important for applying theory to practical situations, there is a lack of understanding about what students want from and the barriers they…
RTI Research Spotlight: Preliminary Examination of Personal Librarian Programs in Health Sciences Libraries
In the early 1990s, Yale’s Cushing/Whitney Medical Library started offering a personal librarian program to their medical students as part of their outreach efforts. The…
Value Studies Working Group
The Value Studies Working Group is currently working to update the value studies listed on the MLA guide Evidence You Can Use To Communicate Library…
RTI Research Spotlight: Effects of Faculty Status on Perceptions of Medical Librarians
By Sa’ad Laws What is in a title? For some health sciences librarians adding the title of faculty may be semantical, but for many it…