Personals: Mark Vrabel
Mark Vrabel, Library, Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), Pittsburgh, PA, was featured in “Invaluable Resources” by Ellen Carr in the February 2019 Clinical Journal of Oncology…
Hospital Librarianship: ECHO-ing Across the Adirondacks: Embedded Librarianship
Submitted by Jill M. Tarabula, AHIP, Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Library, University of Vermont Health Network, Plattsburgh, NY; edited by Angela Spencer, AHIP Funded by…
FYI: Sick Leave
The world seems sick, especially now with the cold and snow of winter descending, so medicine and therapies are in demand. Employees also are in…
Join the PH/HA Meeting Jan. 14, 2019
A number of things that affect PH/HA have come up recently. We therefore are holding an online PH/HA Section meeting on Monday, January 14, 2019…
FYI: Bibliotherapy
Bibliotherapy. Ever heard of it? It has been “practiced” almost exactly a century, according to a posting that states simply that “the science” of bibliotherapy…
The National Guidelines Clearinghouse Returns – as the ECRI Guidelines Trust
This month’s blog will discuss the revival of the National Guidelines Clearinghouse and its redevelopment into the ECRI Guidelines Trust at As most of you know,…
FYI: Communication Complexities
Fiducie, where has it gone? That’s trust, for those of you not conversant with French. So many of us are doused by things false, fake,…
RTI Fellows Share Experiences at NNLM MCR Webinar
Liz Kellermeyer and Alicia Lillich, 2018 Research Training Institute (RTI) fellows and members of the MidContinental Region (MCR) of the National Network of Libraries of…
Personals: Catherine M. Boss, AHIP
Retirement, here she comes! On Friday, October 26, 2018, Catherine M. Boss, AIHP, retired after 45 years in medical librarianship. Boss has been the coordinator…
RTI Fellow Shares Experience in Blog
Elizabeth Suelzer, 2018 Research Training Institute (RTI) fellow, recently participated in the RTI program in Chicago and shared her experience for the Wisconsin Health Sciences…
FYI: Donuts and Deserts
Desserts are not deserts. Desserts are tasty; deserts are dry. Donuts are not doughnuts, at least not in longhand. Both, however, are tasty. Unless the…
Personals: Claire B. Joseph, AHIP, Appointed Editor of the Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet
Claire B. Joseph, AHIP, Harbhajan Singh, MD Medical Library, South Nassau Communities Hospital, Oceanside, NY, is the new editor of the Journal of Consumer Health…
Personals: Carl Leak Appointed Health Sciences Librarian at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
The University Libraries at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill are pleased to announce the appointment of Carl Leak as health sciences librarian, effective September…
Hospital Librarianship: Current Awareness, Professional Reading
Submitted by Brian L. Baker, Medical Library, Valley Children’s Hospital, Madera, CA; edited by Angela Spencer, AHIP In May of 2018, one of the pediatric…
Case Law for Public Health
A person’s environment and the actions that person takes both affect their overall health. Public health legislation shapes the public health environment. Laws regulate what…
Personals: Kristine M. Alpi, AHIP
Kristine M. Alpi, AHIP, has been named university librarian at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). Alpi will lead the OHSU Library team’s strategic…
Quantification and Peer Review: Possible Impacts of New Peer Review Tracker
I recently went to a meeting with a vendor representative from Clarivate Analytics (the company that owns Web of Science, among other widely used resources).…
FYI: Fees
Is it proper to proctor and prosper? Or tutor and tally treasure? Recommend a reference and reap riches? Charging for services can be a predicament…
Visualizing the Research Topics of 2018 Research Training Institute Applicants
As part of the 2018 application process for the Research Training Institute (RTI), applicants submitted a list of keywords or phrases that describe the topics…