Welcome to the 2024 Cunningham Memorial International Fellow
The Medical Library Association (MLA), The International Cooperation Caucus (ICC), and the ICC Cunningham Fellowship Itinerary Subcommittee are so excited to welcome our 2024 Cunningham…
Thank You for Hosting the 2020-2023 Fellows of the Cunningham Memorial International Fellowship at Your Institutions!
The International Cooperation Caucus expresses our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all the libraries who hosted the 2020-2023 Fellows for the Cunningham Memorial International Fellowship prior to their attendance…
Welcome 2020-2023 Cunningham Memorial International Fellows
The Medical Library Association (MLA), The International Cooperation Caucus (ICC), and the ICC Cunningham Fellowship Itinerary Committee are thrilled to welcome our 2020-2023 Cunningham Memorial…
A View of EAHIL Conference in Rotterdam Netherlands 2022
We are pleased to share the experience of one of our MLA-ICC caucus members from her attendance at the EAHIL conference in Rotterdam, Netherlands that…
Re-introducing Hypothesis as the research journal for health information professionals
For 40 years the MLA Research Caucus has been encouraging and promoting health sciences librarianship research. In 2003, Hypothesis changed its name to become the…
Caucus News: 2020 Research Caucus Research Awards
Congratulations to the winning research papers and posters from MLA ’20 and the biannual Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) Best Research Paper! The…
2019 Novel Coronavirus Information
International Cooperation Caucus officers have gathered a few key links to information about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus infection. CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus WHO Novel Coronavirus…
Have a Discussion about Plan S
Members of the International Cooperation Caucus may have heard of Plan S, but have your faculty and students? It’s a major change in scholarly communication,…
Celebrating 16th Biennial AHILA Congress in Nigeria
With partial support from the MLA ICS Reis Grant, I attended the 16th Biennial Congress for Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA)…
Section News: 2019 Research Section Research Awards
Congratulations to the winning research papers and posters from MLA ’19! The MLA Research Section is pleased to announce the winners for best research papers…
Presenting at EAHIL in Basel, Switzerland with the MLA ICS Reis Grant
The European Association of Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) held a fantastic conference in Basel, Switzerland from June 17th-20th with the theme of Bridge, Act, SharE,…
Librarians without Borders® HINARI Sub-Regional Train the Trainers Workshop Egypt: April 22-26, 2018
The Hinari Sub-Regional Train the Trainers workshop was held in Cairo, Egypt from 22-26 April, 2018. The workshop was jointly organized by WHO Regional Office…
Learning from librarians in many languages at Állatorvostudományi Egyetem in Budapest, Hungary: a summary from Kris Alpi
By Kristine Alpi, AHIP The Librarians without Borders® Ursula Poland International Scholarship supported part of my travel to the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest,…
Librarians without Borders® HINARI Internet Resources Train the Trainers Workshop Bosnia and Herzegovina: May 14-17, 2018
From May 14-17, 2018, the Hinari/Internet Resources ‘Train the Trainers’ Workshop was conducted at the Hollywood Hotel, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The trainer was…
Librarians without Borders® HINARI Internet Resources Train the Trainers Workshop Malawi: December 5-7, 2017
This three-day workshop was conducted at the Kamuzu College of Nursing (KCN), Lilongwe, Malawi. The instructor was Lenny Rhine, Librarians Without Borders/Medical…
Librarians without Borders® HINARI Internet Resources for Researchers Guyana: October 10-13, 2017
This four day workshop was conducted at the Marriott Hotel, Georgetown, Guyana. The instructor was Lenny Rhine, Librarians Without Borders/Medical Library Association…
Librarians without Borders® HINARI Train the Trainers Report Ghana: March 13-15, 2017
Accra, Ghana (March 13-15, 2017) This three day workshop was conducted at the University of Ghana, College of Health Sciences, Korle-Bu Computer Centre. The…
Librarians without Borders® HINARI and Internet Resources Workshop Report New Guinea: May 22-25, 2017
Papua New Guinea (May 22-25, 2017) This four day workshop was conducted at the Lutheran School of Nursing (LSON), Madang. It was supported by…
Librarians without Borders® Research4Life Workshop Lao People’s Republic Workshop Report: December 13-16, 2016
Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (December 13-16, 2016) This ‘hybrid’ HINARI and AGORA workshop was conducted at the Datacom Training Centre. It was…
Librarians without Borders® Train the Trainers Report Jordan: December 5-8, 2016
Amman, Jordan (December 5-8, 2016) Technical Report: Capacity Building on Hinari Access for Health Programmes “Training of Trainers”: Sub-Regional Training Workshop Instructors Mr.…