Congratulations to the 2019 RTI Fellows!
MLA is pleased to announce the 2019 Research Training Institute (RTI) Fellows! The fellows will attend the RTI in Chicago from July 15–19, 2019. Our…
Learning from librarians in many languages at Állatorvostudományi Egyetem in Budapest, Hungary: a summary from Kris Alpi
By Kristine Alpi, AHIP The Librarians without Borders® Ursula Poland International Scholarship supported part of my travel to the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest,…
RTI Fellows Share Experiences at NNLM MCR Webinar
Liz Kellermeyer and Alicia Lillich, 2018 Research Training Institute (RTI) fellows and members of the MidContinental Region (MCR) of the National Network of Libraries of…
RTI Fellow Shares Experience in Blog
Elizabeth Suelzer, 2018 Research Training Institute (RTI) fellow, recently participated in the RTI program in Chicago and shared her experience for the Wisconsin Health Sciences…
Visualizing the Research Topics of 2018 Research Training Institute Applicants
As part of the 2018 application process for the Research Training Institute (RTI), applicants submitted a list of keywords or phrases that describe the topics…
First RTI Workshop in Chicago a Great Success!
The inaugural Research Training Institute (RTI) was held July 9–13, 2018, at the Library of Health Sciences-Chicago, University of Illinois–Chicago. During the RTI, nationally recognized…
Congratulations to the 2018 RTI Fellows!
MLA is pleased to announce the 2018 Research Training Institute (RTI) Fellows! The fellows will attend the first RTI in Chicago from July 9–13, 2018.…
A Special Thank You to the University of Illinois-Chicago
MLA thanks the Library of the Health Sciences, University of Illinois–Chicago (UIC), for hosting the 2018 Research Training Institute (RTI) at no charge. The library’s…
RTI Seeks Scholarship Aid from Sections and Chapters
Susan Lessick, AHIP, FMLA, project director, Research Training Institute, sent a letter on January 23 to the chairs of MLA sections and chapters encouraging them…
A Special Thank You to the Research Institute for Public Libraries (RIPL)
MLA thanks the Research Institute for Public Libraries (RIPL) for its support of MLA’s Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI). RIPL and MLA…
Thanks to All Who Applied!
MLA is very pleased to report that we received many applications for the 2018 Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI) and are so…
A Special Thank You to SAGE Publishing
MLA thanks SAGE Publishing for its generous contribution of fifty free e-book versions of the fifth edition of Research Design, the textbook that will be…
Welcome to the New RTI News Blog!
Submitted by Susan Lessick, AHIP, FMLA, Project Director, MLA Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians This column will focus on news and information…
New RTI Web Page
Do you need tips for convincing your boss of the merits of the upcoming 2018 Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI)? We now…
A Special Thank You to the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL)
MLA expresses grateful appreciation to the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) for its enthusiastic support of MLA’s Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians.…
MLA Research Training Institute Launched, Next Step in MLA’s Goal to Advance Research
The Research Imperative Task Force is thrilled to announce the launch of the new MLA Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI). The first…
A recap on the International Visiting Information Professionals (IVIP) Program Pilot
The IVIP Program Pilot was a partnership between MLA/ICS IVIP Program Task Force and the Taiwan Medical Library Association. The goal was for the Program…
Attending ICML+EAHIL in Dublin, Ireland with the MLA ICS Reis Grant
The International Congress of Medical Librarianship and the European Association of Health Information and Libraries held their joint conference in Dublin June 12th – 16th. Like…
An experience at Bracken Health Science Library – forth week
Time flies! It’s the last week of my visit in Bracken and also a short week (Monday was the Thanksgiving Holiday in Canada). This week…
An experience at Bracken Health Science Library – third week
It’s the third week I have been here. I got more time to talk with Bracken’s librarians one-on-one during this week. Sarah, a librarian…