I Am MLA: Andi Parrish

Submitted by Andi Parrish; edited by JJ Pionke.

Institution: Kansas State University Veterinary Medical Library

Title: Director

Brief description of responsibilities:

As director, I manage the daily operations of our veterinary medical library. I head the faculty and non-university patron research services, as well as serving on IACUC as a research consultant. In addition, I serve on a website and technology committee and as a member of our library committee that is committed to ensuring our medical library information and services best reflect the needs of our veterinary student, staff, and faculty population.

Why is MLA important to you?

MLA has become a source of information and community for me as I transition into my role as a director of a medical library. It’s been an invaluable tool as I learn more about my position and this role.

Why did you become a librarian?

I sort of fell into the role and had never considered it as a profession until I found myself working for a library. Once I began working in the library world, I found that all my passions (English, literature, writing, organization, development, creativity, etc.) were wrapped up into one profession. Once I realized that, it all fit together.

What was your first library job or first professional position?

I began working at the veterinary medical library in 2014 as an administrative specialist working at the circulation desk. Though not classified as a librarian at the time, I was eager to learn all about the world of librarianship and, when the librarian position became available, transitioned into that role, as well as completing my MLIS.

What has been the most interesting project you have worked on?

In 2016, due to remodeling of the building, the library lost two of our closed stacks locations. We had to substantially weed through our collection to house over 80,000 journal/periodical volumes. We also moved any overflow out to our offsite storage facility and/or the main campus library. All in all, it took an entire summer and over 400 boxes!

Bucket list:

Spend time in Sweden and Switzerland.

What do you do in your spare time?

Pottery painting, exercising, hiking, and playing putt-putt with my boyfriend and his young daughter.

Five words to describe you:

Attentive, empathetic, driven, goal-oriented, adventurous.